Jealousy • 6

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"Eeee!!! Aren't you excited Lynn?!" Leila jumped up and down, Lynn gave her a smile as she put a few makeup products into her purse just in case she needed it. "I mean, I just want to see his potential." Lynn giggled.

"Yeah, but his band is the top band in heaven. And they have the best pretzels at Heaven stadium!" Leila began to lace up her white shiny boots.

"Have you ever tried the smoothies? They are so tasty and refreshing." Lynn said as her mouth almost began to water about the topic, "Let's hurry and try to get our seats." Lynn continue.

The two angels began their flight to Heaven Stadium, where concerts and games were held daily if you got a ticket. Lynn specially gets a seat up front, since higher ranks get front row seats.

The two angels landed at the stadium, walking into a long line which wrapped around the stadium.

"This is going to take forever." Leila put on an annoyed face, as Lynn stood smiling.

"Not for long." Lynn giggled and grabbed Leila's hand, leaving the line and running beside it. They reached the entrance and faced the security guards.

"Hey Murphy, just getting my seat." Lynn smiled at the guard, he looked up and nodded, "Enjoy your show, ladies." Murphy said as they walked through security, skipping the long wait.

"I didn't know you could do that!" Leila said shocked, Lynn just giggled, "Let's get snacks!" The two angels ran to the food court.


"Lute!" Adam yelled for the fallen angel, sitting in a waiting room playing with the strings on his guitar.

"Yes sir?" Lute ran in immediately and stood infront of Adam with her arms crossed behind her back. Adam looked at her with annoyance.

"Get my spare strings, bitch." Adam said, "One of my strings won't tune-" Adam began to get angry with this one string.

"Of course, Sir." Lute ran out of the room, a few minutes later she came back with a new packet of strings. Lute handed the packet to Adam.

"You still have an hour, why are you stressing Sir?" Lute asked, Adam ripped open the packet with his mouth and spit out the plastic that he ripped off before looking at her, "I need to greet my fans, obviously." Adam said cocky.

"You know the princess is here, right?" Lute walked over to a vanity, grabbing her drink and taking a sip, meanwhile Adam was looking at Lute with wide eyes, "What bitch?"

"Yeah, She was talking to Leila, and Leila said she bought the tickets as soon as she heard about them first being sold." Lute explained.

"I haven't talked to her in like... a week?" Adam said, "Last time that bitch did she was being a sassy little bitch."

"I'd be nice to you if I were you." Lute evilly laughed, "The past week you've been talking about her, seems you have a little crush." Lute bent down to Adam's height while he was sitting down. Adam's face instantly turned into nervously.

"I- I don't have a fucking crush on that bitch!" Adam argued, "I don't even know her, barely."

"Oh, but you do." Lute said, walking next to him and grabbing his hand from his guitar, making him drop all of his guitar strings on the floor. "It isn't a coincidence that you both have the same ring." She held up his ring finger, showing a golden ring with the name Lynn being carved into the inside of it.

"Fuck Lute!" Adam snatched his hand away, "You crazy bitch!" He yelled, picking up his guitar strings of the floor. "How did you even notice?"

"You realized the princess has many magazines and modeling advertisements." Lute put on a face of disappointment. "It isn't that hard to notice her ring." Lute said.

"I didn't even get her name carved into it until after I died." Adam said, "She shouldn't even get to remember me anyways, I regret what I did." Adam looked down, remembering the two things he had 'did'.

Killed his wife (Which he didn't do, but blames himself for it.)

Married Eve, trying to forget Lynn.

Lute was jealous, and it was obvious because her face held disappointment and jealousy. "Forget her, she won't remember you anyways." Lute said.

Adam sighed, he finished stringing and tuning his guitar back to its correct sound. He got up from his seat, placing his guitar around his body. "Shut up, bitch." Adam said as he walked out of the waiting room. Leaving Lute standing.

Adam walked out, moving through the crowd and laying his eyes on the unique halo that he knew was Lynn's. He noticed Leila was with her as well. He made his way over there trying to forget what Lute said.

"Boo." Adam snuck up behind the princess and her friend, making Lynn scream and Leila turning around to giggle. "I GOT YOU BITCHHH!" Adam laughed.

"Don't ever do that again." Lynn placed her hand on her heart, panting. "First off, you're too tall, and second, your face is scary." Lynn made fun of Adam.

Adam looked down at her with an annoyed expression, before speaking up, "Really sugartits?" He said.

"What is that nickname.." Leila laughed at the name, Lynn turned to her and rolled her eyes. "I can't stand either of you." She giggled.

"It's the nickname I gave her, I was going to call her Sassytits, but realized she's nice too." Adam's electric face gave off a smirk, but inside his mask he had a face of admiration.

"Awh, Adam." Lynn walked over to him, brushing his arm with her hand, Adam's face instantly began to blush. "Don't act like you are actually nice." Lynn giggled.

"Bitch." Adam yelled, "I know you aren't saying that at MY concert." Adam placed his hand on his chest and gave off a cocky expression.

Lynn crossed her arms and giggled, she punched Adam in the arm, "Bye Mr. Rock and Roll." She giggled as she began to walk with Leila to their seats. Adam blinked in shock, soon getting surrounded by a bunch of fans.

.•+*•+. | In Hell...

"Charlie!" Lucifer said as he walked into the hotel, greeting his daughter with a hug. "You needed help with the meeting?"

"Yes dad, actually I was wondering if you could get me into heaven directly to someone-" Charlie asked her father, Lucifer put on a nervous face.

"You'll have to, go through.. Adam." Lucifer sighed, remembering his days with Adam fighting over Eve.

"You mean... THE first man?" Charlie asked, "Your enemy?" She continued.

"Yes..." Lucifer said, thinking about back in the garden of Eden.

"Well, when do you think you could get me a meeting?" Charlie asked.

"Maybe sometime next week, I'll have to see if the Seraphim would allow it." Lucifer said.


SORRY it's short again, it's currently 12am... and I have classes tmrw...

AND WE NEED MORE ADAM FANFICS... I've read every single one 😭

But I want your guys feedback on this story so far, is there anything I should change or even put in this story?

Comment below what you guys think!

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