Meeting • 7

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Quick little a/n

Thank you for showing so much support so far, I started this book a week ago and it's already at 1.95k 🥹

You guys are absolutely blowing up my notifs and I want to thank you guys so much for it all. On this book and my other books, I really appreciate all the support. It's helped me a lot so far with what I'm going thru rn and it's absolutely amazing.🙏🤍

Thank you so much.


"Adam, you need to behave during this meeting." Sera explained to Adam. She stood next to him with her arms crossed

Adam was currently sitting in his usual chair, except he was standing infront of a hologram that would showcase him in the meeting with the demon princess.

"Yeah yeah, just tell Lucifer I don't want him here though." Adam scoffed, taking a sip of his juicebox.

"Princess Lynn will be coming in as well, so do not make a fool out of yourself." Sera said as she began to walk towards the door, she opened it and to her suprise was Lynn holding a clipboard about to open the door.

"Oh! Sorry Sera." Lynn smiled and stepped aside for Sera to walk by, after she did Lynn walked into the meeting room, closing the door behind her.

"Adam." Lynn smiled and walked over to the table where they both would sit at. She noticed Adam's robe was slightly out of place. Lynn rolled her eyes and placed her clipboard down, walking behind Adam.

"You seem to do this on purpose now." Lynn raised a brow and smiled. Adam widened his eyes and then realized.

"Uh, no. Why would I do that on purpose?" Adam lied. He pretended like he didn't purposely ruffle up his robe just so he could feel her touch the back of his neck.

"Okay, fine. Meeting starts in a minute so get ready." Lynn said and took her seat next to Adam. She picked her clipboard back up, holding it in her hands. Lute walked into the room, sitting next to Adam on the other side of Lynn.

"Okay! Let's get started!" Lynn pressed a button as the hologram began to pop up. In the hologram, a slightly nervous girl stood. "Helloooo?" She said.

"Sup." Adam said, as the room Charlie was in lit up with light, frightening her. She quickly got up from the floor and stood next to the table.

"Hi, hi... I'm Charlie. My dad asked if I could meet you-" Charlie said X

"Yeah I know." Adam said, placing his hands together and smiled.

"Okay, well it's nice to meet you." Charlie said, she began to look over at Lynn. She observed Lynn's appearance, taking in the long while hair and golden eyes, also the red cheeks that Charlie also had.

"Wow. You are very beautiful, I've never seen someone else have those red cheeks like I do!" Charlie smiled happily. Adam shot his eyes over at Lynn and furrowed his brows.

Lynn giggled, "Thank you! I'm Lynn, princess of heaven." Lynn looked down nervously and smiled.

"Yeah yeah, totally nice to meet you too." Adam brought out his hand for a handshake. Charlie willingly placed her hand out as well but was caught of guard by Adam's hand glitching.

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