Family Reuinion • 11

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Lynn woke up, after her first day down in hell after being gone for a decade. Nothing had really changed since the last visits she has had, same gruesome and mucky atmosphere.

"Hi Angel." The sound of a very excited voice greeted Lynn. Lynn got frightened and began to looked all over her room with her eyes. She brought the blanket up to her face and realized where the small voice had came from.

"Nifty." Lynn said, turning to look down off the side of her bed. And of course, a little spider girl stood looking up at Lynn's angelic figure.

"Charlie told me to come here and tell you that breakfast is ready." The bug smiled at Lynn.

"Wonderful, tell her I'll be down in a few minutes." Lynn pushed the blankets off herself, moving her legs to the side of the bed and standing up. Nifty had ran out of the room to alert Charlie of Lynn's awake.

Lynn slipped out of her white nightgown, immediately putting on her usual grey and white angelic dress she usually wore. Since she wasnt in a place that she had to disguise, she'd be safe in her normal attire until leaving the hotel.

Before Lynn could exit the room, Lucifer barged in, opening the door quickly before shutting the door behind him immediately after.

"Shit, shit shit." Lucifer stood infront of the door as Lynn gave him a confused face.

"Luci, whats wrong?" Lynn continued to brush her hair as her brother panted.

"Lynn, Mother is coming." Lucifer blurted out.

"What?" Lynn raised a brow, Lucifer cleared his throat before repeating what he had said.

"Mother is on her way, she doesn't know about Charlie." Lucifer said.

Lynn looked at her brother shocked, before standing up and walking over to him.

"She hasnt seen us in centuries." Lynn bent down to her brothers height, raising a brow.

"I know. I believe she will be upset that I haven't told her... or shown her Charlie." Lucifer said.

"I'm sure she'd be fine, I mean." Lynn giggled, "She wanted me to have children."

"Yeah, you're different. And you WERE human." Lucifer raised his head up at his sister, slowly sliding down the door until he sat down on his knees.

"Don't act like you weren't expecting it soon." Lynn walked away from her brother, going back to her bed and setting down her hair brush.

"Everything will be fine. She isn't going to-" Lynn was cut off as the entire room had turned into a black abyss. Moments later a white light appeared from the corner of the room. Signaling a very familiar presence.

The room had turned back to normal, except a black shadow with white eyes had now appeared, towering over Lucifer and his sister. The shadow looked down at Lucifer.

"You didn't think to tell me you'd been caring for a family Lucifer?" The woman grabbed Lucifer's ear, tugging at it lightly.

"Mother I'm sorry! You haven't came to visit in centuries!" Lucifer nagged at his mother's hand, making her let go of his ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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