Angel in Hell • 9

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Lynn stood infront of her large golden mirror, holding her clipboard and a bag full of her items she would take with her.

She was going down to hell for the annual checkup, something she was ordered by Sera since Lynn has the power to go to both realms.

"Okay.." Lynn said, she put her clipboard into the bag, "Now just one last thing!"

She rose her hands, lifting them up in the air. A bright glow covered her body, swirling and sparkling each and every limb.

When the glow had finished, Lynn was left with her hair now turned black with an ombré of red at the tips. Her gold eyes now turned red, with the whites now yellow. She disguised herself as a demon. Her white dress she wore, now was black.

With the snap of Lynn's fingers, a portal to hell appeared infront of her. The portal lead to an alley way, which if Lynn was to walk through, nobody would

She walked through the portal, now in hell. She closed to portal behind her and took out her clipboard from her bag. Lynn began to walk out of the alleyway and took in everything around her.

"Hey pretty lady! Want some finger dogs?" A demon vendor asked as Lynn passed by, Lynn looked at the vendor, "No thank you." She said and continued her walk.

She checked off things on her clipboard, like has the number of murders increased? Inflation? Crimes? She walked a few other blocks until someone came up to her.

"Hey!" A girl with grey skin and grey hair, somewhat a familiar appearance Lynn has seen before caught Lynn's attention. "Are you looking for redemption?" Asked the girl.

Lynn was shocked. Demons and redemption? She was curious if this was the hotel the princsss of hell was talking about. "Yes, I am." Lynn said, putting her clipboard back into her bag. The girl looked up at Lynn as she smiled, "Come with me, my girlfriend runs a hotel to rehabilitate sinners." The girl said, Lynn and the girl eventually got to a large building, with a giant sign reading "HAZBIN HOTEL"

"My name is Vaggie, and welcome to the happy hotel!" Vaggie said, Lynn smiled at the girl as Vaggie opened the doors. She saw a serpent demon, a tall spider demon, a cat, and the princess of hell all in the front room.

"Oh my! A new member!" Charlie's face lit up, running over to the woman. "Hi, I'm Charlie! It's so nice to meet you! What can I do for you?" Charlie said really quickly.

"Hi. I was curious on redemption." Lynn said, looking around the hotel, she spotted another demon, he wore a red suit and he was pretty tall, maybe even taller than her.

"Great! I promise this will be the best decision of your life!" Charlie grabbed a piece of paper and went to take Lynn's hands But as soon as Charlie touched Lynn's hand, a bright light admitted from both of them. Almost like an explosion, both of Charlie and Lynn's hair went up flying. The glow died down once Charlie and Lynn's hand disconnected.

"What was that.." Charlie looked up at Lynn, with wide eyes and a worried expression. Lynn had the same reaction, looking at Charlie with a weird look. "I have no idea." Lynn said.

The other hotel members saw the light, and finally made it up to where Lynn and Charlie stood. Their faces were covered with a confused expression. "What happened?" Vaggie said.

"Oh nothing! Just the light went out." Charlie smiled nervously, then pointing up to the light that had stood above them. Which, actually had went out.

"Let's continue?" Charlie smiled at Lynn, who nodded.

They both made it to a room, which Lynn would be 'staying'. "This should be good for now, I have to do something so stay right here!" Charlie said, running off from where Lynn stood.

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