꧁•⊹٭🩸𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 10🩸٭⊹•꧂

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Zander walked into the prison, smiling as he looked around. So this is where he's supposed to be? Too bad he hasn't been caught yet... He walked up to the front desk, where a receptionist looked up and raised a brow.

"..Hello miss.." He put on his best flattering voice, trying to sound lost and sad. He saw how the old receptionists eyes softened. "What can I do for you?" "Ah.. I'm here to see my uh... my ex boyfriend.. well he doesn't know we're breaking up- but I just have to see him one last time.." Zander spoke, looking down to the ground. "Oh.. Whats his name then honey...?" The lady spoke. "Ren.. Ren Crosswood." The receptionist looked him up on the computer and sighed as she looked back to the well dressed young man infront of her. "Oh honey.. the killer..?" Zander sighed. "Yeah.. it's him.. I don't know what happened honestly- I was drunk one night and Ren refused to pick me up.. so I hitchhiked- as soon as Ren saw the man who picked me up, he drove him across town and.... You know... I Just don't think I can bare to be with such a monster.." Zander spoke with such sincerity, that the receptionist believed it, he was playing with her feelings. "Aw darling.. I Hope things get better, you'll move on.. Yeah I can let you in.. What's your name love..?" "Alexander-..Alexander Wickham, and before you ask I don't have an address to give or a registered vehicle.. " "Oh..? But you're dressed so nice.." Zander sighed. "I have to be dressed up nice, I'm looking for jobs and-.. Can we not get into this...?" "Oh-! Of course-! I'm so so so so sorry! I'll have a guard escort you to the visiting area!" She said in a panic. Zander nodded and went to the empty waiting area.

He was sat on the chair of the waiting room where he heard a loud heavy door open, he looked up, and heat came to his face, he resisted the small smile that threatened to tug on his face, he was trying to be sad. But Luke was his escort guard. His heart was pounding. His one exception.

Luke finished speaking to the lady at the desk. Someone was here to visit their recently convinced murdered, Ren. His current, soon to be ex boyfriend, as soon as he looked over at the waiting area, time seemed to slow down.

The man from the masquerade. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, but then he remembered a few details. He was homeless, he was currently dating a potential serial killer, wait was he dating him when they kissed-!? Whatever, it doesn't matter, Luke's on duty right now.

He walked over to the waiting area. "..Hey-.. I'm here to uh.." "Oh-! It's you-!" Zander acted surprised. "Oh- You recognise me..?" "Of course darling-! I haven't been able to get you off my mind!" Zander mentally cussed himself, he was supposed to act sad, but he couldn't help it, flirting was his go to.

"Oh- ...so you had a boyfriend when we... you know..?" Luke couldn't help but ask. "Well... kind of..?" Zander sighed. "It's been complicated.. he's never treated me right.. it's been and off and on type thing.. When we kissed I wasn't with him if that's what you're asking, but I'm done this time. He's narcissistic and.. he has this weird crush on the phantom.. and he kept addressing me as such- I don't want to at all be associated with the phantom so I'm just done.."

"Oh-! It makes sense now-! Your names Zander, right!?"

"Oh-! How did you know-?" Zander asked, genuinely curious for once, his surprise wasn't an act.

"Because he kept talking a bunch of nonsense about 'The Phantom' being 'Alexander Wickham'!"

Zander resisted the urge to smile, Rens attempt to bring him down only strengthened his alibi. Zander shook his head and sighed. "I'm so sorry.. I promise you I'm not the phantom-! It's just some weird fantasy he has.. he wants to date the phantom and he told me.. he told me he wanted me to kill him like how the phantom does."

"Hey.. don't worry about it, it's okay. Uhm.. Do you think that after my shift we could go out somewhere and talk..?" Luke asked shyly.

Zander was genuinely taken aback, he felt his heart thumping, Luke was probably the most handsome of his lovers! Though Luke wasn't in his 'killing' criteria, so he'll leave him alive. Red is definitely his colour, but not in a bloody sense.

"Oh-! Sure.. I don't have like- literally anything to do anyways! What were you thinking?"

"Maybe you could come back to my place..?"

Oh never mind, he's like everyone else.

"And we could watch a movie! Anddd maybe order pizza or something?" Luke added, now Zander was just confused. Was he being invited to Luke home just genuinely to have fun? Did Luke have no ulterior motive? If he did then he'd have to die... but maybe he might leave his pistol in his bag. But if Luke did end up wanting anything more from him, Zander doesn't mind strangling him..

"Yeah sure that sounds great!" Zander smiled. "Should I just wait outside the jail..? I don't really have a home to go back to while I wait-"

"Oh-! Uhhh... Tell you what, after this meeting you can just hang around in my office whilst I'm finishing my shift- That okay?"

"Hm? Oh! Yes of course!" Zanded nodded, Luke smiled at him as he pulled out the visitor's seat. "Here, sit down. Ren should be out soon, everything said here will be recorded, I'll also be stood right here by your side and there will be another guard on Rens side. Zander nodded.

Zander watched with faux dread as Ren came through the door in handcuffs and a lovely orange uniform, he was harshly sat down behind the glass. Zander was filled with delight.

'Zander-! You came back for me! You really did!"

"Ren... I think we need to... Uhm- I think we need to break up.. for real this time.." Zander started.

"What-!? What do you mean this time!? We've never even broken up befo-"

"Ren. Please, I'm not doing this again. You're trying to manipulate me again! I'm not stupid! I know we've broken up before! Stop trying to convince me we haven't! I'm done with you, okay!? I'm sorry but I can't do it anymore! I am not the phantom, and I never will be the phantom!" Zander raised his voice, knowing full damn well in the backpack he had on was the phantoms mask, but what does that matter? The police apparently don't bag search, talk about unethical...

"Zander nononono- Please- I can't live without you-!"

"As far as I hear, you're getting the electric chair, so don't worry, you won't have to live without me."

"Zander-! Please baby I need you! I NEED YOU!"

"That's enough. I'm leaving." Zander stood up and clutched his bag strap. He looked over at Luke who just nodded and shut the privacy blind, marking the last time Zander would ever see Ren. Zander just sighed as he looked over at Luke.

"Do you think I did the right thing...?"

"Of course-! Come on, why don't we get you settled in my office, I'll make you some tea before I get back to my work."

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