Whispers of the Night

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The night descended, cloaking the Pokémon Kalos high in an eerie silence. Ash's room, usually filled with the sounds of laughter and gaming, now echoed with the soft hum of his laptop. The mysterious email lingered in his mind, casting a shadow over the room.

Unable to shake off the cryptic message, Ash found himself drawn into the digital abyss. As he clicked on the email, the screen flickered, revealing a series of coded symbols and encrypted text. The message seemed like a puzzle, a cryptic riddle inviting him into the enigmatic world of shadows.

His curiosity ignited, Ash leaned closer to the screen, his eyes scanning the intricate patterns. The words seemed to dance in the moonlight, creating an unsettling yet intriguing atmosphere.

Meanwhile, the Kalos High slept soundly, unaware of the cryptic message that had found its way into Ash's world. The night outside whispered of mysteries yet to unfold, and the air crackled with an otherworldly energy.

The room fell into a deep silence as the night wore on, and the only illumination came from the glow of Ash's laptop screen. In the midst of this quietude, the door to Ash's room creaked open with an eerie slowness. 

The darkness outside prevented Ash from seeing who or what was entering other than a shadow, instantly putting him on high alert.

Ash, his heart pounding, whispered, "Who's there?" Pikachu, sensing the tension, sparked its cheeks, ready to defend its trainer against any potential threat.

The door continued its gradual movement, and Ash strained to discern any sounds or shadows. His mind raced with possibilities, each one more mysterious than the last.

As the figure stepped further into the room, Ash's pulse quickened. "Show yourself!" he demanded, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination. Pikachu stood at the ready, its small cheeks brimming with electric energy.

Just as Ash braced himself for what might come, the figure in the doorway became slightly visible.

 Relief and curiosity clashed as the person stepped into the dim light, revealing themselves to be .....Sawyer. He rubbed his eyes, seemingly caught in a haze between sleep and wakefulness.

Sawyer yawned, his voice groggy. "Hey, Ash... Sorry for coming in so late. I needed to talk."

Sawyer's sudden appearance created an air of suspense, and Ash's narrowed eyes studied him intently. The dim light played tricks on the shadows, making Sawyer's figure seem more mysterious than ever. The room held its breath, awaiting the revelation of the late-night visitor.

The soft glow of Ash's laptop accentuated the lines on Sawyer's face, giving him an enigmatic aura. Pikachu, still crackling with energy, cast a flickering light that added to the eerie ambiance.

Ash, his voice edged with caution, questioned, "Sawyer? What's going on? Why are you here at this hour?"

Sawyer, still rubbing his eyes, seemed to shake off the remnants of sleep. "I... I had this weird dream, Ash. It felt important, and I couldn't shake it off. Thought maybe talking to you would help."

"Here come sit " Ash motioned Sawyer to sit on the other side of the bed.

Sawyer sat down there, Ash went to reach the lamp to turn it on, the room was filled with lights and everything was visible now. But as soon as he looked back at sawyer, hid eyes widened. He jumped off the bed and commanded Pikachu. " Pikachu use thundebolt"

In a sudden quick motion Pikachu leaped in the air and shocked Sawyer. Sawyer tried to avoid the attack but it was too fast.

He was struck at by the lighting and fall of the bed. It was that moment they realized that...

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