Chapter 1

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Hey everybody, I hope you enjoy this story and comments are always appreciated :)

Clary's P.O.V

         Hi, I'm Clary, I should probably introduce myself. I'm eighteen years old, I live in Montreal Canada, I have medium length dark brown hair and brown eyes. I love singing with my cousins, and we make videos and post them on youtube. We started this idea when I would go and visit them in the States for Christmas, we would sing Christmas songs together, and we decided to start a family group. Though it's a lot easier since they moved here to Canada. I am currently in college, and I guess you can say I'm normal. I'm not too tall and not too fat, just average.... I'm just me.

       Right now I'm in my room editing the cover we did of Counting Stars, when my little brother Zander comes running in.

"Sissy! Sissy! Can we please go to the park? I wanna go to the park!" he says. Zander is my youngest brother, he has black hair and green eyes with brown spots in them, and he has freckles on his nose. He is eight years old and he is the most adorable little boy ever.

"Why can't the others bring you, I'm working on something right now Z," I told him. "Mommy and Daddy are at work, Dace is with his friends, and Cade is on a date" he said and then lowers his voice to a whisper, as if Cade can walk by the door and hear him, " I don't like her, she looks like clown, and clowns are scary." I laughed at his cuteness. "I really wanna go to the park sissy, and mommy said that I can't go unless you come with me, so please come with me to the park Clary, pleeeaaaassssseeee!" he asked, sporting the most irresistible puppy dog eyes ever.

"Okay fine, on one condition, we get ice cream on the way home." I say. The biggest smile takes over his face as he shouts yes. We get up and start walking out the door and to the park. Cade and Dace are my two twin older brothers. They both have a lighter shade of brown hair and brown eyes, the only way you can tell them apart physically is by their hair. Cade has longer hair, it's a little shorter than shoulder length, whereas Dace has his cut close to the scalp.

"Sissy come push me on the swings!" I go over and start pushing him. "Higher! Higher!" Zander squealed. After spending some hours at the park, we started to get tired, so we walked to the ice cream parlour to get our very much deserved ice cream. "Hey buddy, why don't you go ahead and save us a seat, while I get us our ice cream okay?" I asked him, and after saying okay, he ran to a table in the corner. I ordered our ice cream and then waited. While waiting for our ice cream I started watching E Talk Canada, and saw that they were doing a segment about these five boys called one direction? I don't know, but they said that they will be coming here to Canada? Just great, now this country has to deal with five big egotistical, and self-centred celebrities. Just great, note the sarcasm.

After getting our ice cream, we walked back home where Zander went to watch cartoons and I went back to editing our video.

* About three hours later*

*knock knock*

" Hey you stinky llama!" yelled my cousin Dani. Just like her, the rest of my cousins just barge into my room and settle down on my bed, chair and floor like they own the place. "Sure guys just walk right in," I sarcastically say.

"Did you guys hear about that boyband that's coming here?" Lisa asks. We all nod while Dani and Amy smile really wide.

"Oh my gosh, they are so cute and Dani and I looked them up on youtube, they are really talented!" Amy replies.

"How cool would it be if we met them?" Dani asks, right after. The rest just either nod their heads in agreement or shrug, not really caring if we could possibly 'meet' this boyband, whereas I on the other hand shake my head while going back to editing the video. I was working on the bloopers part of it when Katherine asks my opinion on this boyband.

"I'm not really excited about it, they can stay on their side of the pond for all I care," I reply. They all roll their eyes, simultaneously, which is quite creepy might I add. " Oh come on Clary, you still can't hate celebrities can you?" Christina says.

"I can and I will," I reply.

I promised myself I would.


Hey so this is my first fanfic, I bet It isn't as good as others, but I like it. So please leave some comments and maybe some suggestions and I will try to update tomorrow :) Thank you    

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