Chapter 8

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I sitting in my bed, just looking at the letter that Niall left me, tears falling down my face endlessly. I don't know how long I sat there looking at it, but I can now hear the sound of birds chirping outside of my window. I stared at the messy writing that could have only belonged to Niall himself, my heart breaking every time I read it, but I deserve it because I'm sure I hurt Niall even more.

Dear Clary,

I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore, I can't be your 'boyfriend' anymore. I know that if I did, I would fall even harder and I now know for a fact that you won't be there to catch me if I do. I also know that you're lying, I know you feel something for me! All that we have been doing these past few weeks, it wasn't pretend, you an I both know that . 

I told you everything Clary, hoping that you would tell me about yourself in return, well more than what you have. I don't know why you do that, but it hurts, a lot. I trusted you with all that I had, and it hurts a lot knowing that you couldn't trust me back!

I know that what I did, just leaving like that wasn't the right thing to do, but I just couldn't stay. I couldn't look at you and be with you, knowing that you don't feel the same way. Would there ever be a chance that you and I can work out? Anyways, you have my number in case you change your mind and you don't want to lie to me anymore.

Goodbye Clary, I know that I will always like you.


I read the letter over and over until it was etched into the back of my mind. I must have been in my own thoughts because I didn't even notice Zander coming into my room, "sissy, have you seen Niall? He promised he was going to bring me to the soccer field so he can teach me how to play soccer," he said. 

I tried to hold in my tears, because I don't want him to see me cry. "I'm sorry Z, but Niall had to go home early because he had a family emergency," I told him, the lie burning my tongue. His once bright and happy face turned to one of disappointment, "oh, okay. I understand. Do you think you can tell Niall that the next time he comes over, if we can go and practice? I want to sign up for a team soon," he asked. Once I nodded, he ran out of my room, probably to play with some of his toys.

I walked down stairs and sat in the kitchen with my mom. It must have been a motherly sense or something, because once I sat down she walked over asking me what was wrong. I looked at her, before looking back down at the tea that she placed in front of me. "Niall and I had a fight, and he left," I told her, sighing at the end of it. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I can tell that you don't want to talk about it, but I will tell you that things do get better. Sure you may have had a falling out, but you two were meant  to be. You will work things out, it's not over," she told me.

I love my mother, she knows just what to say to make me feel better. Maybe she's right, maybe things between Niall and I can get better. "You lost him already? Ha, I knew it. A guy like him could never like a girl like you, even the last one didn't," my cousin said, walking into the kitchen also. God does she have to ruin everything for me?

It's bad enough that I'm feeling horrible about what I did to Niall, but did she really have to bring my last relationship into this too? I got up and went to my room, thinking if what I have done was the right thing or not.

*Niall's P.O.V*

Pain. That's all I'm feeling right now. Ever since I talked to Clary a few days ago, my chest has been in nothing but pain. I don't understand why she couldn't let me in, why she couldn't trust me. I did everything possible to try to get her to like me back, I showed her affection, I gave her space when she wanted it, I never pushed her to tell me things hoping that she would tell me on her own, and plus I stood up for her when her cousin bad mouthed her.

I'm in love with you, don't you see? (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now