Chapter 14

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Clary's P.O.V.

It's been a month, a month since Niall broke up with me, a month where I have been living in heartbreak land again, and a month where I have been watching depressing movies and eating junk food. I was currently watching the Titanic while stuffing Jelly Beans into my mouth when my cousins walked into my house.

"Okay that's it, get off of the couch, give me the Jelly Beans, and go outside!" Lisa says while ripping a blanket off of me and stealing my Jelly Beans. I groan and reach out for my precious Jelly Beans, "no give those back, they are my comfort food for the week," I tell them. Danny pulls me up and sprays some perfume on me before pulling me towards the door, grabs my shoes, and pushes me out the door. She tosses my shoes at me, looks me straight in the eyes and says "you'll never get much out of life if you don't go out on a limb and risk everything when the right moment arrives," before slamming the door in my face.

I sit down on my doorsteps and put on my shoes, " going out on a limb and risk is what got me in this position anyway" I grumble, beginning to walk around. While I'm walking I notice a Toys R Us and decide to go in, just looking at the things in there. Dace and Cade's birthdays are coming up and I might as well get them their gifts. While walking around I decide to go into the sports section to get Dace a new baseball bat and glove. After looking at all of them, I finally decide on a blue and red one, and I'm trying to get it out of the box but it's stuck.

I keep on tugging at it until it finally comes out, but I guess I was using too much force because it went swinging behind me and hit something. I heard an 'Umph' and then a thud making me turn around and look at what I hit. Turns out it wasn't a 'what' that I hit but an actual 'whom'. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you I swear!" I tell the boy on the floor, bending down to make sure that he was alright. "No it's fine, you didn't hit any vital organs or anything so I say that turned out alright," he said laughing a bit at the end.

I help him up and take a good look at him. He is pretty tall, I would say about six foot, black wavy hair that passes his ears and greenish brown eyes.  Over all he was really cute, "again I am so sorry, it's just that I was trying to get the bat out of the box but it was stuck and then it hit you," I look at him and see he has a look of amusement on his face, "and now I am rambling. Sorry" I finished. Wow that was really lame."Hey it's fine, I have always wanted to get hit with a bat by a girl, so now thanks to you, I can check that off of my bucket list," he replied with a chuckle. 

I giggled a bit before sticking my hand out, "hi I'm Clary, the crazy woman with a bat," I said with a little laugh at the end. "Nice to meet you Clary, my name is Nate, the innocent victim." Wow and he has a sense of humour, I turned towards the shelf and grabbed a baseball glove to go with the bat before turning to Nate again. "Like I said, I am so sorry for hitting you, it was not my intention. I promise I am a lot less clumsy than this," he laughed a bit before grabbing a baseball off of the self. 

"Honestly it's alright, being hit with a baseball bat was the highlight of this whole day. Moving is not a fun thing to do, especially when you hate the people you are moving in with. Besides now you owe me one and I intend to get what is owed to me, maybe with a coffee or something?" I looked at him for a bit, before laughing and walking away a bit, with him following close behind. "You really are a charmer aren't you Nate? Where did you move from?" 

We started walking to the games section, "I moved here from the States. I am from a small town in Texas known as Llano. It's alright, it's just I hate how everybody knows everybody. You can't take a shit without someone knowing about it," he said with a laugh that held no humour to it. I nodded while looking for a video game, I decided to just get him the new Call of Duty game and then started to walk to the cash with Nate beside me. 

Once we paid for our respective items, I decided to take him up on that offer of his and we headed to Starbucks for a coffee. Once we found a table, we decided to get to know each other and play twenty questions. "So you said that you moved into a house with people that you hate, why?" Nate took a sip of his third coffee and sighed before looking up at me, "my parents had gotten a divorce when I was five, and my mother had been single up until a year ago when she met this guy online. They have been getting along well together and he popped the big question to her a few months ago, she said yes and they both decided to have the wedding here and well move into a house here." 

I looked at him like he was crazy, I mean thats great, why is he still so upset about it. I decided to ask him that very question, "okay, but I still don't understand why you are upset. I mean, your mom is happy is she not? Besides now you get to have siblings, aren't you happy about that?" Nate started to fidget a bit before looking into my eyes. He just starred at me, it was like he was looking for something. I guess he found it because he opened his mouth to speak, "don't get me wrong okay, I am happy that my mother found love it's just, well.... I'm gay, and lets just say that her new husband to be does not approve of gay people." 

Oh, now it all made sense. I stood up and sat on his side of the table to give him a hug. "Hey it's okay. You shouldn't think about what he wants, you should just worry about yourself. If you like guys, than to hell with it, go ahead and drool over every hot guy that walks by you," I told him. He laughs for a bit before hugging me, "jeez your boyfriend is lucky to have a girl like you." I froze when he said that, remembering how Niall had taken my heart and just crushed it. I slowly got up and walked back over to my side of the table, looking at my coffee cup and trying to focus on not breaking down.

"Hey, did I say something wrong? If I did I am so sorry," Nate told me while grabbing my hand. I looked up at him and I knew that I could just tell him everything, so I did. I told him how I met Niall, how I asked him to be my pretend boyfriend, how our pretend relationship somehow became a real one with real feelings, and about how he crushed my already broken heart into even smaller pieces. Throughout the whole thing, he just sat there and listened to me. He didn't make a sound, he didn't judge me, he just sat there and comforted me.

"The worst part about all of this Nate, is that I still love him, and it sometimes I wish and hope that he will say that all of this was just a joke and that he loves me too. Is that crazy? Am I crazy for feeling this way?" I looked at him, hoping and praying that he has the answer to the questions that have been filling my head since the break-up. He just sits there, looking like he was deep in thought. "Look Clary, I'm going to tell you something that my gran told me all the time when I was younger, 'Life is a giant canvas, and you should throw as much paint on it as you can. Paint your canvas full of vibrant colours and enjoy the laughter and love that life brings you.'" 

I thought about what he said and then started nodding my head, "you're right Nate, I'm going to my colours on the canvas of life and see how the picture turns out." He smiled at me and then hugged me. We sat there for a little bit longer, before we decided that it was time to go home. We exchanged numbers while walking out of Starbucks, "Nate, if ever you need someone to talk to or just to get away for a bit, let me know alright?" He nodded, and hugged me one more time before he walked off in the direction of his house. 

I started to walk over to my house also, thinking about my encounter with Nate, and our little talk. I made it to my house and walked in, seeing my cousins in my living room watching a movie. As soon as I walked in, they all looked over at me and I can see the curiousness in their eyes. "I made a new friend today, his name is Nate." They all had smiles on their faces while I walked over to the couch and sat down. They asked me more about Nate, and I told them, also including that he was gay before Amy decided to play match maker.

We continued to talk throughout the night and the thought of Niall just brought a slight pain. Over all, I hope that like can get better.


Hey everyone,

I am so sorry for the late update, it's just school started up again and I am currently dealing with some writers block.

I just want to say a massive thank you to all that have read my book, and actually like it! If you want something to happen in the next chapter, let me know and I will try to incorporate them.

Vote, Comment, Share with your friends, whatever you fancy and have a lovely day.

Lots of love,

Melanie :)      

I'm in love with you, don't you see? (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now