Chapter 5

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Clary's P.O.V

The boys left last week to continue their tour, Niall promising to text or call me everyday. True to his word, he has been texting me whenever he has a chance and calling me on his free time. Summer has just begun for me, and it is already looking to be a horrible start. My mom invited her sister over for a few weeks and she has a daughter my age. Let's just say we don't get along. She has only been here for three days and she has already knocked down my hatred for celebrities to number two. That is very difficult, so you can tell how much I hate her.

I was currently on the phone with Niall, he is on the bus right now going to his last stop of the tour so he wanted to talk. We are 'getting to know each other' by asking each other questions. We are playing twenty questions, but he definitely past twenty about an hour ago, now this just feels like an interrogation. I'm still a little uncomfortable around him so I have only been giving him vague answers, I can tell he wants me to go into more detail with my answers, but he doesn't question me further. 

"What's a big pet peeve for you?" he asks me, I didn't even hesitate when I answered with "guys who can't stay loyal." I could tell he was most probably thinking over my answer and the hidden message or code in there. While he was thinking, my cousin came in wearing what I hoped to be a skirt, a bra-shirt thingy, and sky high heels. Where the heck does she think she is going, we are only staying inside the house to have a movie night!

"Who are you talking to? You're shrink? Honey God knows you need one. Tell them to book you enough sessions for life, even though it won't help," she says, while examining her fresh manicured nails. I hate her so much, she thinks she is better than everyone! Also she takes any chance she takes to rub in the fact that all guys would rather be with someone like her instead of me. I hated seeing that smug look on her face so I said the first thing that came to mind, which was most probably the worst thing ever.

"Oh, I'm just on the phone with my boyfriend," I reply as nonchalantly as possible. The smirk is off her face as she looks at me with a scowl, "Huh?" she says, while I hear coughing and spluttering coming from Niall's end. "What?" I hear him say, "are you okay babe?" I ask him with concern etched into my voice. I have to make this as believable as possible. "B-bo-boy-boyfriend?" he finally stutters out, I can hear a little bit of happiness and hope in his voice, and that is so not good news for me. 

"Who would want to date someone as ugly and weird as you? You couldn't even keep the last one, what makes you so sure that you can keep this one? Also, where is he? Do I know him?" My cousin asks me with fake interest. "Clary? What's going on?" Niall says, but I don't answer him, I'm just trying to stop myself from crying after she brought him up. "Actually Niall is away on a trip for work, he will be coming here in two days to spend some time with me before he goes back home to see his family. Is that right honey?" I ask Niall, trying to keep my voice strong and unwavering. I don't want her to have the satisfaction of knowing she is getting to me, she will use that to her advantage. 

"Uhm, sure? I guess? I'm really confused right now, I don't what to do. Is there some handbook or something to deal with these kinds of situations?" he said, well more like rambled. "Yay! I can't wait to see you," I replied with as much enthusiasm as I could without making it seem fake, "I miss you," I finished afterwards. Just for that extra oomph. My cousin got off of the sofa with a humph, and then pretty much stomped out of the living room like a child. Once she was out of ear shot, I sighed with relief before thanking Niall for playing along.

"Clary, seriously. What is going on? One minute we are playing twenty questions and the next I'm your boyfriend!? I mean, you could at least take me to dinner first," he said with a slight laugh at the end. I laughed a little bit also, that's what I enjoy about Niall, he can make me laugh even when I just feel like curling into a little ball and cry my eyes out. "I'm sorry Niall, it's just... my cousin infuriates me so much and I couldn't take it anymore. Would you mind coming to spend a few weeks here before you go home? You know, to be my pretend boyfriend so she could leave me alone? If you don't want to I understand, I can tell her it was all a lie and take whatever embarrassment that comes with it," I asked.

I'm in love with you, don't you see? (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now