Chapter 11

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Niall's P.O.V

The week is over, therefore meaning that I have to say goodbye to Clary and go back on tour. The good news is, that the tour is almost over, and then I can be with her again. The boys and I have just landed in New York and are on our way to the hotel we will be staying in. No matter how many times we come to New York, it will always amaze me.

When we got to the hotel, we went into our separate rooms to have a small little nap before our rehearsals. I walked into my room, lay down on my bed and took out my phone to text Clary. 

"Just landed, resting in my room before rehearsals. How are you beautiful?" -N

I waited maybe one or two minutes before she replied. 

"That's cool, how is New York? Is it as beautiful as everyone says it is? And I am doing okay, I have two tests today and an oral presentation. I'm freaking out! :(" -C

" It is even more beautiful than everyone says it is, though it can never compare to you princess :) I will take plenty of pictures for you and show you when I get back in two months time. Wow that sucks. I'm glad I don't have to go to school anymore lol :p. If it helps, picture me in the classroom during your presentation :)" -N

"Aww thanks :) you are making me look like blushing fool :( I can't wait to see you, honestly after those few months of you being away and only seeing you for a week is not fun. Anyways, how long are you staying in New York?" -C

After reading her text, I looked over my calendar on my phone, checking to see what we have planned for in the big city. I also noticed how I had a month off after the tour. Once I check my calendar, I reply back.

"We are going to be here for about 3 days, then we are flying over to Dallas, and then we are going to travel from there. Our final stop is going to be in California." I reply back.

While I waited for her to answer back, I started thinking about our relationship. Would she be comfortable taking our relationship to the public eye? Would she want to have 'us' going for a long time? All these questions were giving me a head ache. My thoughts were interrupted when my phone dinged, telling me that a new text message came through.

"That's awesome!! Do you think you can take pictures for me? I have always wanted to see certain parts of the world, but money is a little tight lol :p" Right away, images of Clary and I visiting all the places she wanted to flows through my mind. The glow she has on her face, the pure excitement in her eyes, the giant smile she has on her face, I swear its already giving me chills.

"I will take so many pictures that I will look like a proper tourist lol :p Can I ask you a question Clary? I want you to be completely honest okay? No sugarcoating it" I texted back. My heart was beating so loud, I wouldn't be surprised if the people in the next room can hear it, and my palms were sweating. You would think that I was asking her to marry me based on my reaction. About five minutes later, I received a text from her. "Okay? What is it?" was her reply.

"Can I tell the fans about us? I mean, is it okay with you that I tell them about our relationship and about who you are?" Two minutes later and still no reply..... Four minutes and she still didn't answer..... Six minutes and now I am wondering if I gave her a heart attack. Yeah that must be it, I probably killed her right now and thats why she is not answering back. Wait to go Niall, you killed the one thing that has made you really happy you idiot. I literally jumped five feet in the air when my phone beeped with a new text message.

Letting go of the breathe I didn't know I was holding, I looked at the text message, "Niall..... I don't think that's a good idea. It's not that I'm ashamed of being with you, it's just once your fans know about me, they are going to hate me. I've seen the amount of hate my cousins are getting from dating the other boys and I'm just not sure that I am ready for that yet. I have enough hate being thrown at me from my cousin, I don't need the extra amount from millions of people around the world too. I'm sorry Niall, but not yet. Do you think you can wait until I get used to us being together? I'm still trying to process it myself" was her very long ass, and maybe even just a little bit hurtful, reply.

I'm in love with you, don't you see? (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now