Chapter 9

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*Niall's P.O.V*

*Four and half months later*

Clary and I are getting along great as friends, which is weird considering I want to be more than friends with her. Though if she wants to take things slow, than I will do that; I would do anything for her. She stayed with us on tour for about a week or so, before she left with her cousins because school is starting. We have been getting closer to each other, which I'm really chuffed about, and also she kissed me a few times which made do a little Irish jig when she wasn't looking.

I'm on the tour bus right now, googling romantic date ideas, I was going to take Clary out on a date and ask her to be my girlfriend. Again. Hopefully she doesn't reject me this time, my ego can't take it. I have a break in the tour coming up next week and I was going to fly over to Canada and take Clary on a date. 

"Hey mate, what are ya up to?" Louis asked, walking into the tour bus, with the rest of the boys following closely behind. I look up from my computer screen, "I'm searching up romantic date ideas for Clary and I," I replied. Louis ran up and sat next to me, bouncing a bit, "Oh I love these things! Let me help? Please? Please? I want to help!" he yelled in my ear, making me back away.

The rest of the boys sat down, helping me think of ideas, when Louis suddenly jumped on top of me, "I HAVE THE PERFECT IDEA! PICK ME, PLEASE?" he asked, well more like yelled, in my ear. I look at him with the best blank face I could muster, "no, I don't like you," I replied. He looked at me like a puppy would, after being rejected a tummy rub. "I'm kidding Lou, what is it mate?" I told him while chuckling a bit.

"How about you bring her to a zoo, and then you give her a baby pig," he said, in all seriousness might I add. All of us boys just looked at him like he grew seven heads in a matter of seconds. Is he actually serious? A baby pig? "Okay that's good Lou, let's get all the bad ideas out of the way," Liam said, making Lou pout. "HARRY! They don't like my idea, and they're being mean to me!" Lou said, fake crying on Harry's shoulder, "It's okay BooBear, I liked your idea," Harry said in return. Larry Stylinson everybody!

"Well what does she like?" Zayn asked. All the boys looked over at me expectantly, "uh, she likes to sing, draw, dance. Um, she also likes to hang out with family, especially her little brother Zander. She likes the colour green and loves to play the piano. She absolutely loves wolves, it's her favourite animal, she loves soccer, and she really loves romantic comedies. Her favourite movie is the Lion King, don't ask me why, because I personally think that Finding Nemo is better," I replied. I realized that I was rambling when the boys were looking at me with goofy smiles on their faces.

"You really fancy her don't you mate," Harry said, and it wasn't a question either, more of a statement. I felt heat rushing to my cheeks when I nodded. They all went 'aw' while I sat there, turning into a tomato. "Well you could bring her to see a football game (the european one, not the american one) and then out to dinner," Zayn suggested. Well that actually sounds like a good idea, I'll think It over later. 

"Or you can set up a picnic, and watch a movie?" Liam suggested. Wow that was a good idea too. I was thinking of which one I should choose when Harry came up with another idea, "you could also write her a song, and then sing it to her after a walk under the moonlight?" Jesus, now what am I going to do? These are all great ideas and I don't know which one to choose.

"I want to make this date for her so special and memorable. I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend on our date," I replied. The boys all nodded, most probably thinking of which idea to go for. We were all silent for a bit, just in our own thoughts, when Louis jumped up and started bouncing on the spot. He had a really creepy smile on his face, and a look in his eyes. I know that look, nothing good ever comes out of that look.

I'm in love with you, don't you see? (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now