Authors Note

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Hey guys I know you don't like these things, and neither do I but I have to tell you guys something.

I won't be able to update until maybe Sunday, Monday the latest because I have work the next two days. Also I want to thank you guys for reading my story, it really means a lot, 59 reads?!? That is way more than I was expecting. 

I would also like to ask for your help. I would like to change my cover page for this story and I'm not really good with that kind of stuff. I have seen plenty of covers and they are all very well done, so if you would like to make a new cover for me that would be great. You can send them to me by private message or put them in the comments.

You can even leave comments and feedback, and let me know what you would like to happen or if you don't like certain parts. If you would also like to make a trailer for the book so far, go ahead! 

So, thank you guys once again :)

Lots of love,

Melanie :)

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