Chapter 15

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Clary's P.O.V

Another month passed and I have to say that I am getting better each day that passes. Okay that's a lie, it still hurts like a mother fudge-icle, especially when him and the boys are on T.V. or something about them shows up on my Facebook feed. What hurts the most is that he has not even called or texted to try and make things right with us, you know as friends? Although I probably would be a little hesitant about it considering that it would be too painful to be around him without him being mine.

Anyways, my parents are sending me on a three week trip across Europe for my birthday. They said that since I did not want to celebrate my 16th-18th birthdays that I will be celebrating my 19th even if they have to force me to go on that plane. What made it so hard to refuse was that they were also sending my cousins(payed for by my aunt) and Nate to go with me, to, and I quote, "live life, and make memories to look back at when I am old and grey." I finally agreed to go, and that's where I am now, with my cousins, Nate and our families at the airport waiting for our flight to be called.

Zander comes up and hugs my legs tightly, making me look down at him. When he looked up I saw tears in his eyes, I bend down to his level and wipe away the falling tears, "Please don't go," he said with a sniffle at the end. I sighed and pulled him into a hug, "Hey, don't cry. I will be back before you know it, and when I do, we can go and get ice cream or to the park. Anything you want okay?" He pulled back from the hug to look me in the face, he waited a bit before placing his hands on my cheeks and said "You promise?"

I chuckled at the stern look he was trying to portray and responded with, "I pinky promise, and besides you can call me whenever you feel lonely and we can talk as long as you want. Does that sound good?" He nodded and then hugged me again, then our flight was called. I stood up and walked over to the rest of my family, hugging and kissing them goodbye, then walking to the gate our flight is at. The seven of us walked through the door and onto the plane to find our seats, which were thankfully all near each other. 

We sat down, listened to the safety talk and the captains words before we started to take off down the runway. Our first stop was Munich, so knowing that we had a long flight, I started to look for movies to watch considering that I wouldn't be able to sleep on the plane. I don't know why but I cannot for the life of me fall asleep in moving vehicles. I also went over our list of places that we were visiting and the times we were leaving them. We decided to back-pack through Europe instead of fly over every time to lower the cost of the trip, which looked like this:

Day 1-Day 3: Munich

Day 4-Day 6: Interlaken (and going to Austria for half a day)

Day 7- Day 10: Florence (and a half a day is going to be spent in Venice and the other half in Pisa)

Day 11-Day 14: Rome ( with an overnight train at the end of the last day)

Day 15- Day 17: Paris

Day 18- Day 21: London (with an overnight flight back home)

Overall, to say I was excited about the places that I would see would be an understatement, I am incredibly thrilled! I have always wanted to go to different places across the world, and knowing that I can go to these places has me bouncing in my seat. I'm so excited!!!

6-7 hours later

We had just landed in Munich and we are now putting our bags in our rooms so that we can go and visit some things and be proper tourists. 

Two weeks later: Rome

So far the trip is amazing! We tried some strudels in Germany, visited a kings castle in Austria, went zip-lining and paragliding in Interlaken (where Nate also got called mentally retarded, in a McDonalds), visited the leaning tower of Pisa and and went on a little boat around Venice (even visiting a few places in Florence). Now we are in Rome, and we are going to visit the Fountain of Trevi! When we got there, we asked a lovely old couple if they can take our photo in front of it and then just stood there admiring the architecture and beauty of it.

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