Chapter 3

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Clary's P.O.V

Seriously, why does God hate me? After talking to Mrs. Shirley and taking her order, I called up the next customers, and what do you know? It's those two I met yesterday, along with three others. Can't I just live my life like a normal teenager and not be forced to deal with celebrities? 

"Hi and welcome to Tim Hortons, what can I get you?" I asked, my good mood vanishing quickly. I looked over to my cousin Lisa, who is my runner (A/N: for those who don't know what a runner is, it is someone who makes the coffees), and she gave me look that says 'shut-up-before-they-complain-to-the-manager-and-you-get-fired'. After taking four of their orders, I looked over to the blond one, Niall I think his name is, waiting for him to make his order. When I looked over at him, I noticed that he was already staring at me, and holy cheesecakes does he have the most amazing blue eyes ever! Why does he have to have blue eyes!?!?!?! Unless you can't already tell, blue eyes are my weakness.

He just kept looking at me, his mouth opening and closing but nothing coming out. I waited impatiently for him to say something, even though we didn't have any other customers. While he was trying to find his voice, I saw this guy with dark hair, brown eyes and tan skin with a lot of tattoos looking at Lisa. Wherever she went to make the coffees, his eyes followed. A guy with curly hair pushed blondie a bit to get him talking, "Niall mate, say something before you look stupid," he says really slowly. Too Late, I thought. At least I got his name right. 

"Uh, umm, I-uh," he started to say, not being able to finish. I sighed and rolled my eyes, hoping he would say what he wants so that I can ring up their purchase and never see them again. Noticing his friend is having difficulties, the curly haired one orders for him. "Okay will that be all?" I asked, they all looked at each other shrugging and nodding, while Niall just continued to look at me. It was starting to creep me out. "Yeah, that should be good," Liam said.

I rang up their order and sent them on their way. I was a little upset that Niall left, he makes me feel all weird inside. I have only felt this way once with him..... no I can't go down that road, I can't fall for him. I will not fall for him, I promised myself I wouldn't fall for someone like them ever again. That's a promise I intend to keep.  

Niall's P.O.V

I can't believe I just blew it. I mean, I get chased by plenty of girls, but I can't seem to talk to this one without looking like an idiot. After we get our food, we walk to an empty table that is in pretty close hearing range from the girl, who I now know as Clary. The boys start talking about some up and coming events that we will be doing here, while I just look at her. Even in a work uniform she looks beautiful.

"Hey Zayn, I saw how you were looking at that girl. What you wanted to see if you could stare into her soul?" Louis says. We look at Zayn who blushes a bit and shrugs, playing it off as nothing, and says, " what can I say, she's fit." Harry and Louis start teasing him a bit, "as long as you stay away from Niall's girl, everything will be okay," Liam says jokingly. Now the boys start to tease me, Liam seriously did you have to embarrass me.... it's not like I didn't do enough of that myself.

We look over at the girls to see them laughing about something, making me wish I was the one making Clary laugh like that. I see one of her friends go in the back while Clary looks towards the door. 

"Oh Patrick, on besoin du crème, s'il vous plait," she says as a guy walks through the door. He smiles at her and walks into a fridge in the back. Damn she can speak another language, that's hot. He comes back with a bucket of cream and starts talking to her, getting her to smile and laugh. Why can't I do that? I hate him already. Am I jealous? No I can't be, she isn't even mine, I don't even know her!

I'm in love with you, don't you see? (Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now