Chapter 6 - Delivery's Fee

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Kieran's Perspective

Wait a second. Where the fuck am I? I'm in the back of a truck next to Chuuya who appeared to be caring for me while I was passed out. Hang on, how am I alive? I thought I died when I got turned to gold. Y'know what I can't be bothered to focus on that for now. After a while of doing absolutely nothing, Victor proceeded to call James Clarke to no answer. So then Chuuya tried and again no answer. That's when I called and managed to get an answer.
"Hey James." I said with a smirk on my face.
"What's up Young Big 3?" He replied.
"Not much Mr Clarke, what's up with Camp?" (Kieran)
"Ummm, well currently the Camp is getting invaded by some guy named Ate, apparently he's the God Of Mischief. He's here on some thing about Hades and a war starting." (James)
"Shit. We might have to hurry up this process a bit." (Kieran)
"Yeah but it's fine, feel free to take your time. Its not like any of us are going to die. Wait, nevermind Emma Keane got eaten by some massive snake creature." (James)
"We'll be there ASAP." (Kieran)
"Thanks! I app-" (James)
The phone call then abruptly stopped as we were going through a tunnel. So, that's kinda shit. The people at Camp are getting getting absolutely obliterated while we're just sat here in the back of a van, waiting for Zeus knows what. After a minute or two, the van stopped and we arrived at a place called "Lilac Casino. What an interesting name for a godly site." Chuuya said.
"It is but remember we are here for godly purposes only, nothing else." I responded "That goes for you too Victor."
"I promise I'll try to refrain from gambling but there's no guarantee" Victor uttered in response.
Once we stepped in, we were all taken aback by what was held inside that building. It was an elaborate building with all white walls along with lilac pillars detailing the iconic shoes with wings style associated with Hermes. Around the room, there were fruit machines, poker tables, snooker tables and roulette wheels. Along the side of the extravagant lobby appeared to be VIP rooms and straight ahead was a humongous DDR and VR room for all those who merely want to have fun. It was a paradise for alot of people.
"Right so, where do we start?" I said.

Chuuya's Perspective

"I reckon we split up, that way we cover more ground." I responded to Kieran. We all agreed and I took the gaming sector, Kieran took the lobby while Victor took the VIP Rooms. What were we even looking for? I mean Hermes is described very differently across many historical texts. Some say the messenger god while some say the messenger godess. Others say that their view on Hermes is so much more than just a messenger. The only common thread throughout these tales is their omniscience. That's when I saw them. A lady staring directly at me while dealing for poker. They were wearing a white dress, with gold accents which almost directly mirrored our view on Hermes outfit. I then proceeded to walk up to them.
"Hey Miss, would you mind if we talked in your office for a bit?" I said.
"Im assuming you already know why."
"I know all to well why, get your friends and head to VIP room number 14. I'll be there after this game of poker." She responded.
After a while, I collected my friends and we headed to VIP room 14. She was already there at this point, patiently waiting for us.
"We're ready to talk." I said.
"Oh i know dear, right so I can't really help you with your little quest directly but I can assist you indirectly. All you will get is a riddle and my car keys. I'm assuming you know about my car?" She said.
"I know quite a bit about it miss" uttered Victor, his voice trembling.
"Well, heres the keys" she said as she threw them towards Kieran. "Now, your riddle is Zeus relatives may have the bolt and that is certain. But betrayal is near so pull open the curtain."
"Thank you for helping us, as you're all knowing, how long until the war starts?" Kieran responded.
"I'm afraid I can't help you any more than I have. Goodbye young ones and I hope you achieve your mission."
We then left the room and headed down to the parking lot. There we saw a black van with gold accents and the word Hermes across it. We proceeded to attempt to unlock it but turns out Hermes isn't that stupid to have their own name plastered onto the side of their car. Instead it was an orange car with 'Keane's Burger Bike' writen on the side. We then set it to the underworld and began our travels.

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