Chapter 7 - Under the Underworld?

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Victor's Perspective

After a short time of travel due to Hermes car, we arrived at a place called "M&S Beds." This is the only accessible entrance to the underworld. It's run by a man named Charlie O'Donnel who for some reason has run this place for 12 years. I honestly don't see the appeal. Anyways, Kieran is going to go in to distract him while Chuuya is going to sneak in and push him into his own trap. It's perfect really. Betraying the mind to get revenge. I can't wait.

Kieran's Perspective

"Hello Mr O'Donnel, I'm interested in buying a bed." I said
"Is that so? Well, we have this lovely bed right here. It's very comfortable and even waterproof."
"Oh, interesting, what's the price?" I responded.
"Don't you want to feel how comfortable it is first?"
"How about you lay on it and tell me?" I announced.
Chuuya then proceeds to push Charlie onto the bed where the bed slowly engulfs him, causing him to suffocate. We then decided to take the elevator down to hell. According to mythology, it was originally stairs until Hades got too lazy and decided an elevator would be quicker though he added an extra floor so he could go from the Underworld to Earth to Mount Olympus in seconds. Truly ingenious when you think about it. Anyways, we arrived at the Underworld and began our hike to Hade's throne room. There, we could get the Master Bolt and hopefully unlock Chuuya's power.

Chuuya's Perspective

After a short treck, we made it to the entrance of the offical underworld, which is guarded by a big dog named Cerberus, though Hades calls it Nik for some reason. In order to get through, we must pretend to be dead so we adopted a zombie style walk and began our hellish debut. We started off heading towards Hade's castle which was shrouded in lightning so it was difficult to make out. As we looked around we noticed that the whole place was covered in sand and occasionally a giant creature with an appearance resembling the Alaskan Bull Worm would emerge. For you stupid people, that's the worm from Spongebob. That's when the floor collapsed beneath us. We began falling and the only thing that was clear to us was the rapidly depleting light level. It was clear this was the moment we were all going to die. We then struck the floor and the odd thing was we weren't damaged from the fall. That's when I saw him. Ares. I pulled out a pen which automatically turned into a sword when it touched the air. It all became clear now. This was the God's war zone and Ares was hosting it. I lunged at him and watched him masterfully dodge it with war-like skill.

Narrator's Perspective

Chuuya kept lunging at Ares hoping a different outcome would occur but Ares kept dodging their pitiful attacks. This occurred for atleast half an hour and that's when Keane decided to fight back. Keane pulled out their own sword and kept parrying with Chuuya during their hits. Eventually, Keane got close enough and used the back of their sword to knock them over. They then used their sword to keep Chuuya down. He slowly began moving his sword up their body, from the stomach all the way up to their neck. He turned it round so now if Chuuya made a subtle movement the sword would slice directly through their own neck. Chuuya was stuck in this position for a while until their eyes began glowing white. Lightning began spewing out of their hand causing Keane to launch backwards. Chuuya proceeded to stand up and then rapidly shoot lighting at Ares, killing him and in place of his body lay the last weapon. Zeus's Wrath. At that point, Chuuya passed out.

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