A Bad Day

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I woke up in the morning feeling still feeling tired after yesterday's flight to dubai. Our team is going to India for world cup 2023 and I was pretty excited for it. One thing that doesn't makes me happy is knowing the fact that we will definitely meet the Indian cricket team at some point which is not the problem, I love them all they are all very sweet except for that one basterd , the so called Prince of India shubman gill.(no hate to gill)

I have played against him before in the under 19 team. After my first match against him I knew that this guy was nothing but trouble. Ever since then whenever we had a match against India that dude was always ready to get on my nerves by flirting with me or messing around with me, teasing me or trying to embarrass me for no reason at all. What makes my blood boil the most is the fact that all my teammates love him to the core of their hearts cause according to them they have never seen a youngster as fine as him which i think isn'ttrue at all. I will try my best to avoid him as much as I can.

I rushed down to the breakfast table and their was babar bhai lecturing the rest of my teammates about not going anywhere without informing him and telling them all the other boring rules. I greeted everyone and grabbed a seat next to shadab bhai who wasn't listening to babar bhai's instructions at all. After breakfast we all were allowed to go wherever we wanted in dubai as it was our first and last day here as we have a flight to Delhi tomorrow.

I spend my entire day with nassem and his boyfriend hasnain dragging me here n there in malls for shopping . I am not a big fan of shopping tbh but naseem insisted that I should come and we will have fun ( which I did not have ).The two have been dating for 8 months, we all know about them being together but their relationship ain't public. We came back to the hotel and I was so exhausted that I straight up went to bed. When shadab bhai asked me to come for dinner I lied about having dinner outside cause babar bhai does not like when we skip meals as it might effect our health.


I had packed all my stuff and was heading towards the team bus that drove us to the dubai airport. We boarded on our plane and my seat was next to the last person I would wana sit with, naseem shah. Don't get me wrong he is sweet and cute and all but that kid never shuts up. That boy talked all the way from dubai to Delhi non stop and every time I tried to tell him to shut up I just couldn't bring myself too by looking at his cute and innocent face. Just the thought of hurting this little angels feelings makes me feel guilty ,so there I was listening to him blabber about god knows what the entire flight.

After about 4 hours of hearing naseem yapping about random things we finally made it to Delhi and I was so thankful to God for ending this trauma. Our team bus arrived outside the airport and we were welcomed warmly by everyone from the airport to the hotel which was not realy what I expected but I highly appreciate it.

Once we arrived to the hotel their was indian team chilling in the lobby but thankfully the devil wasn't around. I quickly greeted all the team members including ishan kishan, shubman's best friend and quickly got my room keys from the reception and ran with the speed of light telling babar bhai that I was sleepy ( just tryna escape the one that must not be named🤪 ).

Once I got on my floor I was so relieved that I didn't saw where I was going and bumped into something hard and was about to fall but someone caught me. When I opened my eyes I saw that one person I wished I had never seen again.

" going to your room without even saying hi to me princess? " shubman said making a fake pout on his face. At this point i asked myself if this bad day could get any worst and i guess the answer was yes. I tried to push shubman off of me but his grip was too tight around my waist and he was much stronger than me so my effort where useless. " aww what happened princess? is my grip too tight on your tiny waist?" Gill said cringing me out. "let me go gill " I said with an annoyed face. "What if I don't " said shubman smirking down at the younger male. I wanted to ripe that smirk off so badly. I was about to say something when I heard a familiar voice that made me froze.

" what the hell is going on?"...

hey readers 🤗 thank you for reading this chapter this is my first time writing a fanfiction sorry if its bad. English isn't my first language so if I make any grammar or spelling mistake plz ignore it🥺🙏. Tell me how you liked this chapter and if u want me to continue this story plus who do you think interrupted our babies moment 😜🤣

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