Chapter Two

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Today mother was out doing her errands I was reading next to the window in the tower when my peace was destroyed by yelling I heard from outside. I look out the window to just see blobs down since I'm too far up. I get up setting my book down going down stairs to a small tower that was connected to the gate to see exactly who is it.

I heard as I got to the window to see Evie , Mal and two people I didn't recognize. I exit the small tower speed walking to the lever that opens the gates I quickly pull it down.

"Evie what in gods name are you doing here aren't you supposed to be in Auradon"
I said rushing over to hug her as we embraced I take out a hand to bring Mal into the hug.

We pull apart when Evie asked "We need a huge favor" I looked at her surprised "Wow no hello how have you been just I need a favor"

"Please Hel we need you to just hide them"
Mal begged I look over their shoulders to see a boy and girl. "You both know my mothers rules I can't you know this"
I panicked "It's her errand day you know she won't be back for hours" Mal argued back.

"You both know I don't know how to talk to people plus I don't even know them" I sped talked to them. "It's fine they are both from Auradon a prince and princess which is why we need you to hide them for a while as we get last minute things" Evie tried reassuring me.

My eyes widened "Auradon people Evie you know how my mother feels about people from Auradon worse that they are from royal blood" I tried backing away to get back inside but Mal grabbed my wrist "Please Hel just for 30 minutes we can't have them in public" reluctantly I nodded sighing looking as them.

Evie smiled as she turned to them "Lucius, Lonnie come you'll hide here until we come back"

They came closer they both gave me a smile "Hel this is Lonnie" Evie gestured to the girl we shook hands "And this is Lucius" She finished. I shook hands with him we had held eye contact I won't lie I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach and in the hand he was touching.

We let go when Evie snapped us out of it when she came hugging my side "Now this is Helena my sweet cousin" she smiles as she turned to me.

For a minute Lucius and Lonnie looked shocked. I wouldn't be surprised we didn't look alike I for one was taller as I am 5'8 and she is 5'4. I have copper hair she has black with blue hair. My eyes are blue hers are dark. I can say we both have the right curves but well having the right curves just runs in the family. I look like my mother not really my father it comes as a shock for people to find out who are my relatives.

After recovering from their shock we said good bye to Evie and Mal as they left leaving me with the two royals. "Well let's go in since we can't have you out here" I gestured for them to follow me we made it through the gate where I pulled the lever closing it. I opened the main door letting them in guiding them to the family room gesturing them to sit. They sat down a bit hesitantly which I didn't offend to "Would any of you like a beverage" I offered

"I'd like some water what about you Lucius" Lonnie turned her head to him "Maybe a coffee it's been a long day" he replied I nodded to them leaving them to their selves. I went to the kitchen getting their drinking coming back setting them on the small table. "So Evie and you are cousins" Lonnie said to start small talk.

I nodded "Yes our mothers are sisters"

"I didn't know they also put relatives of villains on the isle" Lucius blurted out curiously Lonnie quickly smacked his arm giving him a look.

"Oh no it's fine plus no they don't put relatives on the isle my mother is also a villain not to incriminate myself or Evie but I guess it runs in the family with our grandmother also being evil" I explained to them.

"Oh sorry" Lucius said I shrug to him "Not to over step but who is your mother" Lonnie curiously asked

"My mother is The Wicked Witch" I said

Lonnie choked on her water while Lucius spit a bit of his coffee it before covering his mouth with his hand.

"The Evie Queen and The Wicked Witch are sisters ?!?!?!" Lonnie gasped scooting closer to me. "They are half sisters same mother not the same father" I explained Lonnie looked fascinated I would guess Lucius is too as he moved closer to us.

"And your father" Lucius wondered I looked down "He's present but mother prefers not to talk about him" I replied. Lucius started apologizing I kept reassuring him it was fine. "May I ask why are you two here on the isle" I questioned

They looked at each other "Girl you are about to here all the gossip" Lucius said
As they moved to sit next to me now informing me of every thing what has been going down. To say I was shocked was an understatement we were gossiping Lonnie talking in front of me while Lucius was behind me. I was trying to get comfortable
While Lonnie was talking about drama between a couple at Auradon.

I kept moving till Lucius pulled me a bit back where my back was laying on his chest. I look at him when he just nods "Just helping" he said with a smile I turn away when I feel heat in my face which I ignore just listening to Lonnie.

I heard a yell outside again which I sat up to. "Is that Mal and Evie?" Lonnie asked I shrug motioning them to follow me to the small tower connected to the gate to see who it is.

We looked outside shocked looking to each other "oh shit" Lucius blurted out as we panicked.

It was my mother I quickly grab their hands dragging them to my room which if they needed to escape it would be easy. I push them into my walk in closet holding the doors "Don't make a sound when she's distracted I will let you out just be quiet".

I quickly close the door hearing her voice again my door opened abruptly. I turn around with my back to the closed surprised "Mother what are you doing here so early" I asked she smiles with a bag in hand walking in sitting on my bed " Well darling I finished early I couldn't wait for you to see this" she motioned the bag to me I grabbed the bag as she continued "You didn't show up at the gate so I had to use what little magic I could to teleport in".

"Oh yes sorry I had taken a small nap" I opened the bag when I saw what was in it I squealed "Mother is this really what I think it is" I started jumping a bit.

"Yes paint from the Lady tremaine her finest" she giggled

"I thought she ran out it would be months before a new batch" I gasped

"Well you know your mother has her ways into scaring people" she smirked

I jump to hug her laughing which she returned. We pull apart smiling she looked around a groaned "Helena why is there dirt all over your floor" she turned to my closet "and clothes all over" she got up to go to the closet.

I quickly jump up to block her from the closet "No need mother" she raised a brow at me "Helena move" she tried to reach for the door I grabbed her hand "It's a surprise for you" I tried

"Helena do you think I'm stupid now move" she moved me aside grabbing the handles to my walk in closet

She opened the closet wide open I quickly went infront of her

𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 -𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now