Chapter 2

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When we heard the two imbeciles escape we all gasped turning around. Thing 1 and thing 2 looked each other celebrating when they stopped they turned to us Harry started talking "Hey, guys we're just coming for a wee visit."

They started to walk towards us until Jay and Carlos stopped them making the four of them start to push each other "woah HEY" Mal warned as she had dropped the ember. She was picking it up when Harry used his hook to knock it in the water "No" the sound of disappointment was clear in Mal.

I was on my way about to hit Harry when we saw a teal tentacle grab it I jumped a bit not expecting it when Harry started laughing with Jay and Carlos pushing him back. I stood between Harry and Gil when a girl who resembled Ursula came out the water she gave us a smirk as she shook water out her face "Drop something" she had teased. I heard Mal start yelling but I ignored it I widened my eyes at the girl in the water my lord was she beautiful.

I lean into Harry to whisper "Oh my god Harry" grabbing onto his shoulder to continue "I think I just met the love of my life and she's right there" I pointed to the girl with tentacles.

Harry turned to me amused "That's Uma" he chuckled I look at him in shock "Ya bosses daughter" he continued to make fun of me I shoved him a bit. "That's my name" she giggled waving her fingers guess she heard us a bit.

The next moment she went back underwater the water started rising twisting around I pulled Harry and Gil in front of me when the water splashed so they got wet instead of me. "Thanks boys" I turn them around they go along so they can look for Uma I then looked over and saw her right there I waved at her. She gave me a curious look waving before saying "Hi boys."

The rest quickly turned back they saw Uma there waving dads ember in her hand Harry pointed his hook at her before laughing going to her while Gil joined him dragging me along. "Welcome back!" Harry told her as she grabbed his hook Gil was slowly dragging me by my pinky as he spoke a bit sorrow "Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us."

"Yeah. Planning her revenge no doubt." Mal interrupted I gave her a warning look which she looked away. "It's not all about you, Mal." Uma rolled her eyes "I was looking for a hole in the barrier to let everybody out" she continued walking closer she turned to where me, Gil and Harry stood. "And you know what I found, b-Pirates?" she acknowledged me "It's way better out here than we thought there's this thing that looks like a furry rock" she started as she leaned closer to us.

"Called a coconut and fish so big" she turned to face the other Vks "You could dance on their backs" I looked at her in wonder as I have only read about those things but like history thought they went extinct. She walked closer to them "And they've been keeping it all for themselves" she pointed to the main four I know they were arguing but now at this point I was just think about all the stuff I thought were just extinct are they still real.

Butterflies? Raspberries? Chocolate? Oh my god what if strawberries still exist I got out of thought when I heard the end of Uma's sentence "-for pirates" she came to the three of us as they started cackling a bit I was just confused. "Harry what happened" I asked "I basically told them we aren't going back they need our help" Uma said to be I looked at her smiling twirling the ends of my hair when Harry flicked my shoulder "OW" I flicked him back "I'm Uma Ursula's daughter" she took her hand out for me to shake I immediately took it "I know weird enough to say I got a job at your moms restaurant I work 3 days out the week hope it's not weird" I ramble to her shaking her hand fast she looked at me surprised looking at Harry and Gil "Trust our lil Lena is an energetic one" Harry spoke as he grabbed both my shoulders for me to stop.

Our hands had let go "Sorry I'm Helena The Wicked Witches daughter" Uma looked a bit shocked since everyone on the isle used to know that the Wicked Witch always kept her daughter locked up not being about to leave that castle. "Where are our bikes?" Jay spoke up to us Gil tried not to laugh "Oh, yeah. We crashed them." I smacked both their shoulders "Ey you already hit us" Harry started complaining "We are definitely helping down" I picking up both my hands to point at each of them "You both owe them for crashing their bikes" they groan as a response.

"Here's a thought" Evie started coming between us "We could try to be friends I mean we have a common friend already Sweet Helena" she pointed to me "Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences yeah?"  Literally both sides looked at her like she was crazy she started pulling out something from her wrist "Who wants gum?" She asked I gave her a pity looking going up to her taking one "Let's go" Uma started "Uh no I'm in charge" Mal finished.

"Let's go" was said again but by another angsty teenager.

We made it to Auradon prep my eyes hurt from all the color everything was so bright it was making me sick. We say a bunch of teenagers in bright clothing just asleep everywhere we looked around then I heard Gil next to me I'm thankful so I can just stare at the brown he's wearing for a bit.

"Everything is so..." Gil wondered out loud "Freaky" Jay tried to finish "Green" Gil actually finished I smacked his stomach where I was looking he looked at me confused. "What's wrong with green Gil" I believe he finally got the memo "Oh nothing is just what you wear isn't so bright" he tried I patted his shoulder "Good enough plus your brown is helping me with the color"

Gil didn't stop there after he asked questions he almost hit me with his shoulder when he got a persons bowl shoving whatever was in it now in his mouth. "Gil watch it" I groan "We don't have fresh fruit on the isle remember?" Uma spoke I started to walk away not before seeing that look on Jays face the look of pity.

I pushed a kid out their chair so I can sit I'm not sure why ever since we left the isle I just felt sick I lay my head on the table as I hear a slutty pirate make his way over the table I'm at. I see him grabbing the kids wallet in front of me I grab his wrist "Harry now what are you gonna buy with that money the filth on the isle or something for your jail cell you can't steal in Auradon" he put the wallet down but smirked at me. "I would have bought the world for you with that money" I give him annoyed look as he winked at me "yes for $20 the world is ours" I roll my eyes letting my head rest again.

"Well little Lena our glorious friendship started on $20" he smiled down at me removing hair out my face with his hook. "Gross" Jay stated I lift my head to see him "I gave him $20 or else he was gonna take someone else's who they needed it I got free food for it tho" I shrugged. "Guys" I heard Evie with a distressed tone I quickly got up just to see her pointing to a kid made of stone.

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