Chapter 3

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"Audrey is Ben's ex right" I said now touching the stoned student. "Yeah" Mal replied "She must be real jealous of you then" I spoke as I observed the statue kid "Not to sound weird but this can symbolize Medusa" I looked back at them. I gestured to the statues "I mean come one Medusa got turned after she got blamed for something out of her control maybe a relative pressure Audrey too much she just broke." I spoke I turned back to see the rest of them giving me a crazy look I shrug.

"My fault for the logical response born a princess told from a young age she would be queen and marry Ben all for it to be taken away by a villains kid now getting blamed" I break off a piece of the statues hat to see of it's all stone "Maybe that's the case" Evie spoke "We can't be too sure" Mal responded I give her a look "Us Mills are from royal blood we also love to gossip so I can be sure."

Evie gave me a smile Uma, the boys and Celia walked next to us "Since we are here let's check out the school" Uma spoke I spiked with interest moving to go with them. Till Mal grabbed my wrist "No" she told Uma "Audrey went straight for the crown so I think it's safe to assume that she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next that's where we'll go" Mal finished "Says who?" Uma questioned her "Says me" Mal challenged her "Says you and thats supposed to mean something to me?" Uma spoke back.

I get my wrist away from Mal I feel annoyed from this dizziness I feel "Look I love a good cat fight but you petty bitches make up your minds" I walk over to Harry putting my head against his shoulder. To the castle they agreed on annoyed we were on our way "Ya good there Lena" I turned to see Harry next to me "I just have been feeling sick since we left the isle" I almost knocked into a tree which Harry pulled me from I stopped me then proceeded to air squat in front of me "Harry I'm not dicking you down I have nothing" I teased "You flatter me Lena now get on my back" he spoke too tired to care I get on his back.

It woke me up a bit when he got up now giving me a piggy back ride. "Ya look like ya gonna pass out any minute now" he told me as he carried me to the castle. Now at the castle I swear if I hear Ben's name one more time we followed the talking dog down the hall. "Uh what's this" I heard Umas voice I turn my head to see claw marks on the wall yay so fun.

I patted Harry's shoulder whispering to him "Put me down I'm going to find a restroom" as he put me down he spoke "Why so we have alone time" he winked at me "You wish Harold" I close the restroom door as I hear Harry throw his fit from hearing his real name. I immediately go to a stall throwing up I don't know what's wrong with me.

I feel so pent up I just literally exploded not to sound nasty but a green blast of magic came from me. I got up to open the stall door just for it to get flown off its hinges by a green blast. Now I realize what's happening I did have magic on the isle but not this much magic. Now without a barrier my magic is trying to get used to all the freedom note to self use my magic now for me to get used to this.

I leave the restroom now walking into the room I saw the rest go to see the sight of suits of armor piles around. "Guys come on this was so great" I heard Evie as I walked to the pirates Harry and Gil looked at me I gave them a nod with a thumbs up.

I now know why Evie was complaining apparently every one started to get along when I went to the restroom. "You know what we should try" Evie began again "An icebreaker" she finished feeling proud of herself like she solved the biggest problem.

Everyone groans at that Evie explained the rules "I'll start" Evie smiled she scanned the pirates as Harry looked away she still chose him "Harry" he let out a breath rolling his eyes. "Great accent" he just looked at her "Now you go."

"Is she always this perky?" Uma complained "Oh it wasn't really your turn but thank you" Evie spoke back to her I tried hiding my laugh in Harry's shoulder. I saw Mal was reaching for Evie so I thought of having some fun "I'll go next" I stood just smiling Evie motioned for me to speak. "Carlos awesome outfit" I told him "Alright listen Helena and Evie I love you okay" me and Evie spoke at the same time just different answers.

"I love you too" Evie said while I said "As you should" I shrugged to them "But we have a short time before Audrey attacks" Mal continued We talked about places she could be we settled on her dorm I was cuddling with Uma on the bed reading Audrey's diary. "Ding Ding Ding I was right pure pressure is a bitch" I spoke Mal stood looking at us unimpressed "Okay so did you find anything is there that we don't already know or..." "She hangs out in fairy cottage" Uma spilled. I got up as she started shit with mal. Going to her bay window just looking at them.

We made our way to the Evie's cottage "Love it so Regina of you" she looked at me smiling "Always" she answered walking away. We walk in seeing 3 children asleep on the couch I saw Uma, Mal and Evie walking away. I decided to stay with Celia and the children I noticed how while the blanket did cover them not a lot.

I stretch my arm out my hand started glowing green as I started saying an enlargement spell worked good the blanket grew covering the children good I looked at Celia who looked away from me. "Hungry?" I asked going to Evie's kitchen

Yeah Helena don't do the singing or dancing really

𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧 -𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now