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*Trevor's Pov*

I ran to the O2L house. Which took about a minute since we live right next door.

I need to get Julie out of here. Far away from that bitch she calls mom. I can't believe that Mrs. Hayes wants to get rid of her. That's not what a mother is.

I opened the door and ran to the living room. Shelby, Jenn and Andrea were there now. Troye appeared out of know where, but he's Connor's boyfriend plus he feels really bad about what happened at the party. Jenn had Jc's arm around her. Andrea was sitting on Kian's lap, Connor and Troye were holding hands and Shelby was sitting next to Ricky.

They all turned their heads as I ran into the room. "Guys, we need to get Julie out of here!" I said. Everyone gave me a questioning look.

"Why would we need to get Julie out of here?" Jenn asked. "It's a long story, but Julie's mom wants to kill her."

"WHAT?!" Everyone screamed. "Why would my mom want to do that?" Julie asked. "Please just trust me. She set everything up. Your dad abusing you guys, Matt being your boyfriend and trying to kill you! That was all a set up!"

Julie stood up a slowly walked towards me. "I don't understand." I grabbed her hands. They were warm. "Please trust me. I don't want anything to happen to you."

She nodded her head, but still had an unsure look. I kissed her passionately and turned to everyone else who had surprised looks on their faces.

"Wait. Since when were you and Julie a thing?" Connor asked. I looked at Julie and her checks were bright red. She moved closer to me, holding my hand and buried her head in my shoulder.

I bit my lip. "Um. We've been a thing since last night."

"Oh! So that's were you where last night." Ricky smirked. "Shut up!" I said. They all gave us a look. It was weird and creepy. Julie broke the silence. "Taco Bell anyone?"


We walked threw the doors and sat down. Kian and Jc went up to take our order. (Jian anyone?😏)

*Jc's Pov*

I walked up to the register along with Kian and placed everyone's order. I turned around and bumped into a girl. Her tacos went everywhere, but mostly on her.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I said as I helped her up. "It's fine." She said. She had dirty blonde hair, green eyes and freckles. She was wearing glasses that made her eyes more noticeable. She was young. Maybe about Julie's age. Maybe younger.

She grabbed some napkins and started wiping her shirt. "Jc what did you do now?!" Kian said behind me. "I wasn't looking!" He rolled his eyes at me. "Hi, I'm Kian and the guy that bumped into you is Jc." He said as he started to clean up the mess on the floor.

"I'm Kassidy." She said as she finished cleaning up her shirt. "Hi Kassidy. I'm really sorry about the mess and your shirt." She fixed her glasses. "It's fine. I can get another one."

"No. I should pay for that." I said as I threw out the mess that Kian put on a tray then shoved to my chest. "No it's fine you don't have to." She said. "I should at least pay for something. How about lunch?"

"I guess." She said still unsure. "Okay cool" I said while bringing her over to our group. "Hey guys this is Kassidy. I kind of owe her one after I made a mess."

"I can tell." Julie said while giggling. "Hey! It was an accident!" "Whatever you say." Troye said. Everyone started to laugh. (Not in a creepy teasing way btw. Ya Nasty)

*Kassidy's Pov*

Mrs. Hayes was right. They are clueless. I have a reason to get rid of Julie. Trevor and I dated at one time. Like the beginning of middle school. He wanted to move on, but I wouldn't have it.

He doesn't remember me. I changed. A lot! My hair, the glasses, and makeup helps. I "befriended" everyone. Mrs. Hayes knows that everyone knows her plan to get rid of Julie. I'm her spy. I'm her ears and eyes.

I can't wait to take Julie down and get Trevor back. Cause he's mine and mine only.

We started walking to the o2l house. They were talking about getting Julie away from her mom. I don't think so.

*Julie's Pov*

"So where are we going to go?" Andrea asked as we walked back to the house. Rosie was off leash just walking next to me and Trevor. We were making our plan to get me away from my mom. I feel as if I'm making a getaway from my troubles. I just really need to get away from everything. With the only people I can trust. I just don't trust Kassidy.

She came out of know where. She knows to much. She's trying to get close to Trevor. She has that look. That crush look.

"Trevor, I don't trust Kassidy." I whispered to him. "Nether do I." He whispered back. "There's something familiar about her. I just can't put my finger on it, but she looks like someone I knew."

"Who?" I asked. "Someone who I dated in middle school, but she didn't have glasses and her hair was a a little lighter. She was. How should I say this?.. She was obsessive over me."

"Obsessive? What do you mean?" "I mean that she needed to know where I would go, when I'd get back, who I would be with and the worst was when I tried breaking up with her. She just wouldn't give up."

"Wow... Talk about a crazy ex." I said. "You're the one who's talking." He said while putting his arm around me. "Haha very funny." I said while elbowing him in the stomach.

"Ow." He said in a whinny voice. "Grow up." I said sarcastically. He laughed and pressed his soft lips against mine. "Hey, lovebirds! Stop smacking lips and hurry up!" Jc yelled at us.


~4 Hours Later~

I'm all packed. My mom was at work so the boys came over and helped me. We leave in an hour.

I'm so ready to leave. Trevor and I told everyone about our suspicions of Kassidy. They're all going to be more aware of what they say around her now.

"Bye old bedroom." I said as I picked up all my stuff. "You ready?" Trevor said. I sighed. "I guess." The guys picked up my bags and put them in the trunk of one of the RVs.

"Hey guys where you going?" Kassidy said. "Places." Kian said. "What place?" She asked.

"She's getting nosey." I heard Jenn whisper to Jc. "Yeah. We should go. Like now!" He whispered back. "Um-" Kian started, but Jc and Jenn came to the rescue.

"Guys! We should go now!" Jenn yelled to everyone. They all started to pile into the RVs until a little snoop aka Kassidy start to ask more questions.

"I wanna come!" She said while hopping into the RV. "Um. Sorry, but we only have room for the ten of us and we don't have anymore room for an extra person." Shelby said.

Kassidy had an angry expression for a split second. Then changed it to a disappointed expression. "Oh" she said sadly.

We all got into the RVs and drove away. I looked back and saw her dialing a number on her phone. "Guys. She's calling someone."

*Kassidy's Pov*

They started to drive away. I wrote down the two license plates and called Mrs. Hayes.

"This isn't over Julie. I'll get rid of you and I'll have Trevor back. Just you wait!"

The End



So that's it guys! It's over!

I may not make a sequel. I'm not really sure...

QOTD: Sequel?

Stay Cloudy☁️

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