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Sooo guys I've been tryna write stories but idk what u guys want😔🐺

If u guys have any requests for stories feel free to share🤪 bcuz at this point I'ma write whatever seems fun or silly😄😈

Also, if I don't post for a bit that might mean school has started again (I'm on spring break rn) or my phone got taken away due to my wild ass crazy grades😭😭🙏

Also to my little friend who I let follow my account...I hope u know...PLS DON'T TALK ABOUT MY STORIES!!! LIKE IF WE ARE AT SCHOOL DON'T BRING UP THW FACT THAT I BASICALLY WRITE PORN ABOUT GUYS😭🙏

But anyway🥰...OMG does anyone have tips on writing better😔✨ I feel like I write like a dog💀...I just noticed I use way to many emojis....seems like I'm tryna be "the quirky gurl🥺👉👈".......yea I'm gonna end it here....LIKE THE A/N NOT STORY...sry had to put that there...okay fr I'ma shut it now

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