Chapter seven

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𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗

This morning wasn't like any normal morning in the Croft house , It was a mass , every one was shouting questions one after the other.

Except for Mr Robert who was calm while watching from the window waiting for one of his guards to come with good news .
He's not waiting for good news about Evelyn , he's hopping that the thing he was scared to happen is about to happen.

_"No Percy shut up !!! " yells Josephine at her son since he was asking for explication about everything that was hidden from him .

_" No don't tell me to shut up ! what the fuck is happening, why Evy left us and what the hell do you mean when you say that she's not from our freaking family" Percy got up and faced his mother who seems also calm just like her father .

_"watch your mouth son , there's a lot of things that you have no idea about it so don't make it complicated for me " she grabbed him from his arm and tries to get him out of the room but he stopped and turn to her " if you're not gonna tell me the truth I'll find it by myself " he looks at her in the eyes and realized that she's not going to tell him no matter how much he cares about Evelyn , that's because she doesn't care about her .

She let his arm and he left the room , after that she closed the door she turns to face her parents with Elodie and Abigail sitting there on a couch.

_" Your child won't stay without doing anything you know that " said Elodie .

_" I'll take care of it later " Josephine walked to her dad and said " We should've expected that , Mary would never give up looking for her "

_" I did , I expected that from her , I just never thought that she could actually convince Evelyn about it " Robert return his gaze to the window still waiting for someone to come .

_" looking for someone " asked Abigail.

_ " a guard said that a horse was missing , Its clear that Evelyn crossed the forest, there isn't another way to run from here except the public road and the forest" answered Robert.

_" So you send a man to look for her, are you serious you think she's gonna hide there " said Josephine.

_" I'm not looking for her , I just want to know something" he said "Open the door " he ordered.

_" Why ?"

_" Just open that door "
answered her M.s Aurelia.

Josephine hesitates for a moment but then she opened the door "PERCY ! you're still here ! " Josephine yells at him when she saw him standing and eavesdropping on their conversation .

ignoring her question he asked "who is Mary ? "
Josephine was about to talk until a guard came running from behind,
" Mr Robert--" he said when he stopped to catch his bearth .

_" Speak Now ! what happened" Ordered Robert the guard as he was really interested in the answer.

_" just a second let me catch my breath " said the guard.

_" Just say what you have to say " yells Percy .

_" Okay , all the men you send to the forest are dead , Its him Mr.Robert, I was hiding between the trees and I saw him , I saw Felix with two men there , they killed everyone " said the guard .

Everyone was silent for a moment and then Robert said "I knew it , I knew that I had to keep an eye on this boy "

Josephine jumped from her seat "don't tell me Its --"

𝐑𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐋𝐓 : 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬Where stories live. Discover now