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A wise person once said, "An eye for eye, makes the world go blind". They say revenge doesn't make anyone feel better but sometimes you need to give justice to those who were never held accountable for their actions.

Yelena knows that pain all too well. She understands that revenge can be overwhelming but she will gladly pay the consequences for seeking revenge. She will seek forgiveness later until her revenge is completed. She goes by this saying, "While seeking revenge, dig two graves- one for yourself".

People often not think of the message behind the meaning. But it was something that she has come to learn and accept that message fully. One grave for the intended victim, the second grave for the avenger's own well-being and peace. When seeking retribution, it was not the target that would be harmed but also upon the avenger.

That was the meaning behind the saying. And Yelena wholly believes her way of delivering revenge is what represents exactly as what the message stands.

She bought an apartment not too long ago in the rich suburbs, even though she already has her own home. But that is nothing to her five-figure salary, and besides the apartment is only temporary for one sole purpose out of many that she plans to carry out very soon.

She is dressed in a white ruffled blouse with a black blazer over and matching black pants, wearing simply black heels. Her long copper hair is flowing free, and wearing simple makeup which are mascara, winged eyeliner and black lipstick which sticks out more on her porcelain skin. Her dark crimson eyes, though, were not vibrant of light as they would have a long time ago.

Yelena only has one thing in mind and that's revenge, but she won't do it in a physical way. She will do it in a way that makes a statement.

Most people would be into physical violence, and killing a person even and not even caring to go to jail. But that isn't her style. No, to her, death is very merciful. But what would bring her pleasure more than anything was to watch them crumble socially and mentally.

They broke her just for their entertainment and made her life hell during her high school days. It's only natural that she would give them the punishment that they deserve and won't ever recover from easily.

That's why ever since she was forcibly dropped out, she made it her mission to track down every single detail in their lives while building herself back up.

Their connections, their social life, their secrets, their weaknesses, their desires, their stigmas, the people closest to them. Every single thing about them.

She was gleefully excited about it. She has nothing to lose, so why not go for it.

The apartment she settles in is nice and comfortable looking, but it doesn't tickle her fancy to move into it completely. Some tables and chairs, and a simple minimalist bed was all she needed.

Yelena already began moving her way up towards the rooftops to take in the view. With her heels clicking at every step she takes, she finds herself remembering the haunting memories of her abuse and bullying that continues to torment her to this day. Before, she would cry and beg for the heavens to make it stop.

The haunting sizzling sounds of skin being burned taunts her, almost making the scars feel like they are renewed. The smell of burning skin never fails to make her want to gag until recently.

The chilling air of the early mornings blows in her face, and she takes in the view from her place. The luxury houses greeted her from below, and she would move her eyes around. Then eventually settling one one luxurious manor in particular that is most important to her of all.

She then takes out her phone, and opens up the social media before coming across an article stating the wedding that would soon come in a few weeks. The wedding between a very wealthy businessman who is a CEO with a woman who works as a weathercaster. Seeing the two pictures, and looking at the angelic face of the woman whom she is very familiar with, she felt her lips twitch slightly.

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