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Few days have passed by, and already several things have happened.

On the day Seon-a will be heading off to the United States for her studies, Hyeon-nam was unable to see her daughter go, even when Yelena tried to reach out to her. The housekeeper wasn't able to come, making her suspect that Yeon-Jin had something to do with this which made her fear that would happen.

But that was also a good thing in a way, having a friend of hers deliver a package to Hyeon-nam with a phone having a text from her daughter made it to the United States safe and the host family information in the package along with the money to entice her abusive husband into a trap. This would have him distract Yeong-ae for a good while due to his hunger for money.

The other issue was with Yelena's aunt, Monika. The bitch was trying to extort from the parents of the students from Yelena's class using her name, but luckily for Yelena the mothers were in doubt since they knew Yelena enough personally and have gathered to bring this up to Yelena in concern for answers. Upon finding this out, she was inwardly enraged about what her aunt was trying to do, trying to sabotage her teaching job.

"That dirty bitch..!" she growled as she has had it with Monika and her bullshit.

That bitch is really trying to make things harder for her, she just knows it. Yelena would have gladly march over to where she's fucking staying at to confront her about it, but she cannot risk endangering herself due to her pregnancy.

She comes home fuming, and mildly tosses her messenger bag into the sofa. Yelena just paces around in the living room to try to calm herself and clear her head before she does something rather impulsive and reckless.

"Yelena?" Yelena turned to face Gelda who just came home from being out and about.

"Oh, you're home." Yelena says, and Gelda frowns instantly.

Yelena would usually greet her and the others with a hug and a kiss, but Yelena appeared too upset to do anything. So naturally, she knew there was something wrong.

"What happened?' Gelda asks her, while coming up to her.

"It's my bitch of an aunt! She tried to extort the mothers of the kids that are in my class to basically try to sabotage my job, but I was lucky that the parents were suspicious and came to me about it and I was able to clear up the misunderstanding! Oooui, that bitch is making me pissed!" Yelena rants to her angrily.

Gelda groans. "Okay. Luckily I brought in some evidence to nail her ass to the wall, this is getting ridiculous..." she grumbled.

"Evidence? Does that include her owing the wrong people some money?" Yelena asks her with a sharp look. She is already on her wit's end trying to do something to deal with her aunt.

"Yes, and I made some phone calls." Gelda mentioned.

"For the love of God and for the sake of my own sanity, please get her dealt with as soon as possible. Oh, but you have to make sure my grandmama knows about this and see if she'd be okay with it. I got other things to worry about..." Yelena remarks while rubbing the sides of her head.

Gelda nods as she hugs Yelena, calming her down and kissing her temple. Yelena melts in her wife's arms as she hugs her back. She definitely needed this considering how stressed and irritated she is. Coming home to her spouses always serves as a good comforter for her when the days get tough on her.

"Do you want some rapokki for dinner?" Gelda offers gently.

"Yes, please..." Yelena mutters.

Gelda chuckles, kissing Yelena's temple. "No stressing out." she says to her, and Yelena nods.

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