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It's been a few days since Yelena had her time with Meliodas and her time with Ryoko and Gelda back to back. While she was resting, Zeldris shows Yelena the video he took of Jae-Jun getting whooped by Do-Yeong. The entire time watching it, she was making the kind of smile a serial killer would make.

It's plain obvious that she thoroughly enjoyed seeing one of her tormentors being beaten to a pulp easily.

"He humbled the shit out of him." Yelena remarks with that same smile. Ryoko giggles as she has made her a chocolate cake with hot cocoa. She is wearing a purple silk robe, and she gives Yelena a kiss on the temple.

"Oh we watched it about three times." Zeldris replied with a smirk.

"Why am I not surprised?" Yelena says, while enjoying herself the cake and hot cocoa her lovely Japanese wife made. She can always rely on her to make tasty treats for her.

Whether it was to spoil her or as a pick-me-up or just for no reason, she isn't complaining.

"What's next, beloved?" Elizabeth asked her when Yelena noticed she was wearing a pink short nightgown. When did she get that?

Maybe she bought it the last few days and she wasn't paying attention.

"I have a certain someone to pay a visit to next. Especially now that I got the scandalous photos printed out from her phone and sent it to her as a warning." Yelena remarks.

The photos in question contained Jae-jun and the fact that Hye-Jeong pinned him. Because of that, if her fiancé were to see then her engagement would be called off on suspicion of cheating on him.

"I know her mother-in-law." Yelena replied with a smirk, knowing how to really get Hye-Jeong underneath her thumb.

"Oh I saw when I was shopping, she was shocked that I actually came out of the dressing room wearing the lingerie. Honey, don't act modest when you're going around opening your legs up to every dick in town." Ryoko says with an amused face.

"Did you actually say that to her?" Zeldris smirks at that.

"No, but I wish I did." Ryoko admits.

"You know what's funny? I noticed her mother-in-law doesn't like Hye-Jeong but she likes me. She even said whoever married me is very lucky to have me." Yelena comments with amusement. That lady was very sweet though, not even caring that she's a foreigner.

Though she wondered if it's because she's the kind of woman that she looks for in a wife for her son.

"Honey no offense but you're ours, and I'm sorry that her son is an idiot for wanting to marry Hye-Jeong." Gelda replied with a shrug.

"Because we married a lady, not a brat." Elizabeth replied.

"Again, why am I not surprised by your responses." Yelena says, now done with her cake and went ahead to drink the rest of her cocoa.

"Speaking of which, my brother told me something interesting." Zeldris says, making Yelena look at him confused. But then she got the idea what Meliodas told him, and her face went red.

"Did he... tell you that?" She asked shyly.

"That in your dreams you were holding two children in your arms, both of them are boys resembling us." he replied with a grin making her blush.

"Why did he tell you that?!" Yelena squealed in embarrassment.

"Aw, that's so cute. I would kill to see that someday." Elizabeth says with a smile.

"Aww my love, there is nothing wrong with wanting a family of your own." Gelda says as she hugs Yelena giving her comfort.

"Oh I could see it now! Two little boys resembling Zel and Mel along with a little girl resembling you, Yelena!" Ryoko says with a squeal.

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