12. Revenge

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Shreya was in the car hugging Abhi while crying all the while.

"Please Shri, stop crying. You'll get sick."

"Why he did do this Abhi? Niti didn't deserve this." She cried "I am feeling bad. He did all this to her because of me." She said tightly clutching his biceps.

Abhi leaned back from the hug and held her face in between his palms "It's not your fault or Nitya's. All of this is the fault of Kavi. It's him who used her. And he is the only one who deserves punishment and not any of you."

Shreya sniffed and wiped her tears "How rich are you?" She said suddenly making Abhi shocked.


Shreya wiped her tears "Are you rich enough to bribe the police?"

Abhi raised his brows when Shreya put a location on the map of his car.

"Shri" Abhi asked confused.

"This address." She said pointing at the address and Abhi started his car without any question.

As Abhi was driving to the address, his attention shifted to Shreya "Do you go to the gym?"

Abhi looked at her but still nodded.

"I will break his car and you will break his bones." She said calling someone.

Before Abhi could say something, he started talking on call.

"hello Rajeev bhaiya, come to Kavi's building . We have to break his car and bones like he broke our Nitya." She said and Abhi looked at her amused while she continued "Don't worry about Police. Abhi is rich, he said he would handle Police." She said and put her phone aside.

Abhi smiled at Shreya's words. She was always a funny, bubbly, innocent girl but now he saw her sassy side too. He knew that she could be scary if it came to her close ones and that was what happening here. And he was ready to support her.

Soon, they reached the building and waited there for Rajeev to come. Not even 10 minutes later, Rajeev joined them too.

Shreya walked up to Rajeev who had three hockey sticks in his hand.

"your knuckles will hurt if you punch him, so I bought a hockey stick for you too," Rajeev said throwing a stick to Abhi who held it swiftly.

Abhi never beat any innocent person but this time he knew the person was not innocent.

"Are we going to beat him in front of everyone?" Abhi asked confused at their careless behavior.

Shreya shook her head "No. I visited here once with Nitya. They have a huge parking lot which has a door on both sides. We just need to call him at the parking lot and then close both gates." Shreya said putting the hockey stick on her shoulder "And once he comes in the parking lot, WE'll thrash him and his car. Later on, you will handle the police and CCTV." Shreya finished.

Abhi couldn't help his chuckle on hearing her full-proof plan. They both entered the building but the guard didn't disturb them as he met Shreya many times in this building with Nitya.

Soon, they reached near parking lot.

"It's locked," Rajeev exclaimed.

Suddenly, a guard came running to them "Sir, Mam, some construction process is going on inside. There are strict orders from the Owner to not let anyone enter." The guard said and left after they assured him that they would not enter.

"But we will initiate our plan today only. If we didn't do it today then our anger would subside and he wouldn't be able to feel the pain." She said with her nose getting red in anger as she took out the clip from her hair and looked around to see no one. She quickly put the clip in the lock and opened it making both men look at her with some pride and astonishment.

They all entered quickly and shut the door behind them. As they walked inside, Shreya was telling them to plan when suddenly they heard some loud groans and loud noises. They all looked at each other and ran towards the source of the sound only to witness Kavi on the ground as 5 buff men in black uniforms thrashing him badly.

Shreya gasped seeing the situation and everything stopped. All 5 men turned to look at the trio standing there with hockey sticks in their hands.

Abhi looked closely at the man's uniform and saw an eagle tattoo engraved and he smirked.

"After all Dhrishith is like every other brother." He chuckled and said it out loud making the duo look at him curious. "The logo they have on their uniform is of Dhrishith's company. I am sure he must have sent it to get revenge on the man who hurt his sister."

And to say the duo was in shock with an understatement.

"Hey get out." A guard shouted when Abhishek went forward.

"Don't worry man. We are on the same team. We are your princess NItya's friend." He said walking to them as everyone stopped "We are also here for your revenge if you may allow it. No one will know anything."

Guards looked at each other and one of them went to the corner and put his phone on his ear. Everyone's eyes were focused on the man talking on the phone and soon enough he came back.

"Sure. But just don't kill him." He said moving back as Shreya shouted in excitement.

She looked around and quickly ran towards a car rolled the hockey in the air and smashed it directly into the car window making everyone startle. Once everyone came out of shock, Abhi and Rajeev walked to Kavi while dragging a hockey stick on the ground making a screeching noise as Kavi remembered his ancestors.

After a month

It's been a month since everything happened. Nitya started handling her family business as she informed her. They talked nicely for some days but then slowly distance came between them. Shreya never blamed her for the distance as she knew she needed some time alone. Even though she never said a word Shreya knew that she was somewhere hurt for the fact that her love used her to get her best friend. Nitya told her that she was busy with business work and couldn't call much but slowly everything stopped.

Shreya was sitting at her desk at the library lost in her thoughts when a strong smell of coffee hit her nose. She looked up to see Abhi there with a smile. She smiled back at him remembering how he supported her in the past days. He held her when she cried for Nitya when she abused Kavi or when she blamed herself and he told her that she was never at fault.

"What my beautiful Shri is thinking?" Abhi said flirting with her.

Shreya shook her head and Abhi's face fell. He had seen her upset for the past month and he tried every moment to make her smile.

He took a deep breath "What did you think about my proposal?" he asked expecting a positive reply.

Abhi offered her a job as an editor in his company. He once asked her opinion on an article for his magazine and her insights on the grammar and portrayal impressed him so much that he proposed her an editor job instantly. He assured her that it was all because of her capability and it had nothing to do with their relationship. But Shreya always denied thinking about leaving Rajeev alone who supported her in her worst. Although Abhi tried to make her understand many times, she never understood and finally, Abhi decided to take the help of Rajeev.

But before she could reply, Rajeev walked in "She will join."

"But," Shreya said shocked.

"Shru" Rajeev said sitting on the chair "I can always get another library attendee but chances of such a better job don't always come. Getting an editor job in a publishing company is not that easy. And that too a publishing company that is flourishing so well so early. You should join it gudiya." He said with love in his voice.

"But I don't want to leave you alone." She said her worries out loud.

"It's time for your career so focus on that only." Rajeev said " And we can always meet. Call me whenever you miss me." He said hugging her as Abhi admired their bond.



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