43. Search start

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After leaving Shreya at the hospital with Shivansh, Nirvaan, and guards at every corner, Abhi left for the basement where Girish was kept. It was at a distance of half an hour and he knew he would reach there before his brother from a shortcut.

And as he expected, he reached there just in time with Aashrit. He looked at Girish with blood and wounds all over his body lying there unconscious. A guard quickly ran to him and freed him from the rope as Abhi reached near him.

"Give me the rope," Abhi said to the guard and he quickly handed him the rope.

Abhi wrapped his hand with the rope and dragged him inside but stopped at the entrance as he looked at his brother "We caught some illegal poisonous liquor in our vicinity?" He asked and Aashrit knew where it was going.

"Hey break those liquor bottles on the path." Aashrit ordered and instantly 10 men started the work and soon the whole path was filled with glass and alcohol "And bring metal instep shoes from my room."

Soon, Abhishek wore the shoes and water was sprayed on Girish's eyes to bring him back to consciousness.

Before Girish could even understand his surroundings, he felt something sharp entering his body. He looked down to see himself dragging over the glass as his shirt and pants were stripped off his body and he was only in boxers. His eyes bulged out with pain and a heart-wrenching scream was heard which scared other men who were involved with him. As glass shreds were piercing his body, alcohol was rubbing it increasing his pain twice. He was feeling as if his body was cutting into pieces and he shouted in tremendous pain.

"Please forgive me." He shouted in pain with tears streaming down his face but Abhi didn't listen nor did he feel any sort of remorse for him "Please I beg you." He said and Abhi stopped.

Girish tried to stand on his feet to run away from those glass shreds but his body didn't support and he cried out in pain. Tears streamed through his eyes and heart-wrenching screams were piercing everyone's ears.

Abhi sat in front of him "Viren's address." He said but Girish couldn't understand anything in his pain. The only thing he wanted was to get out of this pain.

Abhi rubbed his face in frustration on not getting any response held his face in his hand and made him look up at him in an instant, he tilted his head sideways and put them on glass shreds as he rubbed it on the ground filled with glass and many men shut their eyes close with the torturous scene in front of them. He pulled his face up again and Abhi held one of the glass shreds and started pushing it inside his cheek "Address of Viren. I don't want my soon-to-be wife to think that her husband's promises are hollow." He said as the glass half entered his cheek "And I promised to bring her parents by tomorrow morning." He said as he pushed the glass in his cheek in one go and a lot of hiss heard across the room from his men whose eyes were forcefully opened by Aashrit's guards.

"Hyd..." He cried "Hyderabad. 31st lane, Salar Chowk, an abandoned building near St. Peter school." He said in one breath and Abhi looked at other men "He loves to give girls to other men for fun. Give him enough pleasure that he stop trying to find it in other's pain." He said and turned back to only get shocked.

Aashrit was there eating something and looking at everything with Ranvijay making faces.

"Why did you take my popcorn man?" Ranvijay was complaining.

"Come on !! It was such a great show, I was not going to let it go without popcorn. "Aashrit complained to Ranvijay.

"Then you should have to bring your own."

"Stop being a child. You had one packet to your self and here I was sharing it with Adwait." Aashrit said rolling his eyes.

"I will complain to Bhabhi."

"Complain to my wife and I will organize a party at your house with those old ass politicians and leave you alone among them," Aashrit said and Ranvijay huffed.

Abhi finally decided to interrupt their banter.

"What to do with him?"

"He is of no use." Ranvijay said offering some popcorn to Abhi who denied it because of his bloody hands "Should we send him to prison or hell?" He said putting some corns in Abhi's mouth which he chewed and appreciated Ranvijay with his eyes.

"Well, Ramya wanted revenge on him, so can we keep him alive," Adwait said scratching his neck.

"umm lover boy is blushing," Ranvijay said throwing some popcorn at him.

"Don't tease him," Aashrit said slapping his hand.

"Sometimes I think, bhabhi has a sautan and it's Adwait." Ranvijay said but his eyes went wide in realization "It's Hyderabad. fuck! We don't have a great relation with the ruling party there."

Aashrit took out his phone "Don't worry. One of my business partners will help me." He said taking out his phone and dialing a number.

"What type of business partners are involved in kidnapping," Abhi said confused.

"Must be Raghavendra." Ranvijay said thinking "They are not just into business but handle many gangsters out there."

Before Abhi could think something, Aashrit came back.

"He promised that her family would be here by 6 in the morning," Aashrit said coming to them.

"In just 4 hours?" Ranvijay asked and Aashrit nodded.

"Go take some rest and stay by Shreya's side," Aashrit said patting his shoulder and Abhi left nodding at him.

"How come he agreed? They are money-minded people, they would never agree without their advantage in that." He said and Aashrit shook his head while Ranvijay knew that they must have asked something hasty.

While in Hyderabad Viren was resting in his room without any worry of the world outside when he heard a knock on his door. He stood up from his sleep and looked at the clock which was showing 3 in the morning and he furrowed his brows in confusion but still walked outside.

"Girish can't come so soon." He thought while opening the door.

As he opened the door, he saw a man in a black uniform with an eagle brooch in his shirt's pocket looking at him with a gun pointing at his forehead. Viren tried to run but the man caught him by his collar and soon Viren found himself at someone's feet. He looked up to see the richest man in Hyderabad sitting there with a lit cigarette in his mouth.

"Where are her parents?" He asked him crushing his hand under his feet.

"Why are you supporting him? They are your business rival." He said and then got silent for a second "Wait!! Or you want those people and then blackmail them ." Viren said laughing but the man sitting there didn't speak a word. "Wait!! It means we are partners in crime." He said standing up as that man looked at his guard to not disturb him.

Viren walked to a portion of the door and put a key in it "I hid them here. I thought even if something goes wrong, then I'd still not lose but here you are, for my support."He said as the door slid open revealing three bodies tied there looking in front. "I didn't know Girish is so intelligent that he would take the biggest name of Hyderabad on our side so easily." He said laughing walking to The man.

That man smiled at him and held his hand as he pulled him " They are our soon-to-be in-laws, Pichi Kuka." He said punching him as he fell on the floor and soon lost consciousness.( Pichi kuka – You dog).

Drishith Raghavendra remembered how his father was present in the room when he got call from Aashrit Singh Yaduvanshi. And after some discussion, they decided to use this opportunity to make relation with Yaduvanshi, and this way their business would be secure and flourish. And he is ready to do anything as long as his business is flourishing.



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