58. His to adorn

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Shreya was lying over Abhi's chest thinking about whatever happened this morning. She was worried for Nitya as she didn't want any more problems for her while Abhi was busy singing some songs for her.

"Love" Abhi called her seeing her zoning out.

Shreya looked at him on hearing her name.

"What happened? What are you thinking with so much focus." He asked caressing her hair.

"Nitya," She said " Would she agree? Would she be upset with me as she is again put into a situation because of me?" She said closing her eyes "Does she even know? And why didn't you inform me about it yet."

Abhi slightly massaged her hair "I just got to know about this arrangement, a day before our wedding and I didn't want to give you any stress before our wedding so I thought to tell you later about it. And Nitya knows about it now. And don't worry, if she denies then this relationship will not be carried forward." He said pulling her close "And no one hates you. Don't overthink and let her decide what's wrong or right?"

Shreya nodded and closed her eyes hugging him tightly "I am sleepy." She said tired of all the events today "Bhabhi was saying that tomorrow would be tiring."

Abhi widened his eyes "Oh yes, it's your muhdikhai tomorrow."

He then turned sideways and pulled her close "Sleep, I am here." He said kissing her forehead as Shreya was out like a light in no time making him look at her.

Abhi looked at her and closed his eyes thanking God for giving him his Shreya back. He promised himself to always keep her happy and never let her cry, not even for small things. He knew that they would have arguments but he decided to not stretch them for too long instead he would vocalize his issue to make everything right between us. He decided that from now on their life would be filled with love and nothing else. The only time she will cry would be with happy tears.

He looked at her and rested his lips on her forehead "I love you meri jaan."

"I love you too." She said slowly as she was slowly drifting off.


Shreya woke up early for her muhdikhai and took a bath. She was now standing in a bathrobe in her walk-in closet, confused about what to wear. She looked at different beautiful sarees which were all gifted by her in-laws. She pouted on being confused by all the beautiful dresses when she suddenly felt two hands creeping over her waist from behind. She knew it exactly to be none other than her husband.

"Good morning jaan." He said kissing her shoulder blade as he removed the bathrobe from there.

Shreya turned back and pecked his lips "Good morning patidev." She said giggling slightly making him smile wide.

He held her by the waist and pulled her close to him "Why my wife is up so early?"

Shreya furrowed her brows at him "You forgot it's my muhdikhai today?" She said shocked.

"I know that love but I am asking why are you up so early. Muhdikhai will be after breakfast." He said rolling her hair strands in between his fingers.

Shreya made an understanding face as she nodded "Oh I didn't realize that."

"No worries. It means we have time to romance." He said as his hand held the rope of her bathrobe and pulled it.

"No. I will help with breakfast. Let me get ready." She said giggling holding the bathrobe from her chest.

Abhi chuckled at her and pulled her through the rope as she landed on him "We have a chef for the breakfast meri jaan." He said attacking her neck as she moaned under him "So let me get my bride ready for the world to see her beauty." He said leaving her as he went to her section of dresses.

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