2. Ishani's injury

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Author's POV

"Now you just wait and watch, what I'll do to you, you brat"

Aditi was scolding him when...

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Someone screamed so loudly; soon Aditi realised it was her "Ishani'.

Aditi gasped and widened her eyes. Ahaan panicked and asked "BB w-w-what h-happened to my darling? BB why she screame-"

Aditi didn't have time for this bullshit because her sister was screaming so loudly and she cut the call. She was going to the hall when suddenly "Didiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"

"Haa aiii; ruk na yaar" She said to Ishani who was crying.

When she got down she saw blood all over Ishani's hands. She ran to her and gave her support because Ishani couldn't even stand properly. Aditi made Ishani stand properly and carried her to the kitchen and washed her hands.

But blood was coming non-stop so she carried Ishani and went to the side table of Hall and took out the car keys and went outside with her and both of them sat in the car and drove off to 'The Raghuvanshi Hospital'


Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Here Ahaan was getting restless thinking of the worst way possible which could hurt his 'Ishu Darling'. He was worried for her.

He didn't think of anything but quickly and randomly took out one of the keys of his bike. He didn't knew which bike's key it was but as he didn't have any time. He rushed towards the entrance but suddenly.....

"Ahaan, where are you going? You didn't even have your breakfast yet" Sneha Ranveer Raghuvanshi, The younger daughter in law of Raghuvanshi asked him when she saw her elder son hurriedly coming downstairs and rushing towards the entrance.

"I am going to the hospital mom, and yes I know that I haven't eaten yet but don't worry I'll eat in the canteen and I love you, bye" He said going towards his mom, badi maa and dadi and kissing their cheeks one by one.

When he went towards his garage that was filled with his favourite bikes and cars. He was afraid which bike it was but was relieved when he found out it was none other than his favourite Kawasaki Ninja H2.

He got a call from his hospital that Ishani was admitted in his hospital that was one of the doctors who works there.

When he reached there, he saw Aditi was already there and sitting in one of the chairs placed outside but her head was hung low. He ran towards her and kneeled in front of her and held he hand and asked "BB... What happened?"

Not getting any reply, he held her chin and lifted it up and he saw, totally shocked him...

His BB was crying badly and suddenly she hugged him but soon he hugged her back and patted her back and consoled her even if there was storm going on inside his heart.

Soon the doctor came out after checking up on Ishani and called out for Ahaan.

"Ahaan sir, can you please come with us for a minute, we need to have a talk?" Dr. Sharma said in his professional voice.

"Yeah coming, BB you can go and sit inside the room." Ahaan said.

He went with Dr. Sharma and started talking about something serious.

Aditi went inside and was sitting quietly and she got flinched when Ahaan entered suddenly.

He came and sat beside Aditi and said "BB, I have called Advik Bhai and Agastya Bhai both of them are coming and don't worry Ayesha di is coming with Aggu Bhai, ok?"


Hello, lovely people so...

There were mistakes in the story which I am gonna clear now.


1. Ayaan and Urina are living in Ahmedabad at Aditi's house, although he could have stayed in the hostel but when Aditi insisted to Advik to let him stay with the Nayaks. Advik did give him permission to stay at the Nayak mansion but only on one condition that he will not do any mischief there. And Ayaan agreed that's why he got the permission or else he wouldn't have gotten the permission.

2. Aditi, Ayesha and Ishani are living in Jaipur for their career.

3. The Raghuvanshi also insisted for them to stay in 'The Raghuvanshi palace' but they said no only because of Aditi who wanted to stay there only after getting married to him but they weren't married yet so they rejected their offer but yeah they do go there whenever the Raghuvanshi invite them for lunch or dinner.

4. One of the characters account has been made on Insta which is of Ishani so go and follow her.

The account is:- @isha.vibess


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5. Yeah, all the family members know about Aditi and Advik and they even like each other.

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