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For Zak, that night was not easy. He had never stayed out like this before, so he was scared. He sat huddled under a bridge, the police sirens making his heart race. He knew he had committed murder. Tears wouldn't stop flowing from his eyes. He was trying to remember some beautiful moments he had spent with his sister that evening, but he couldn't forget what his friends had done to him that night. Zak fell asleep hungry that night.

On the other hand, when Zak's stepmother regained consciousness, she started crying like crazy and said, "It's because of you that this happened! Why did you bring Zak from his mother's house? I lost my daughter because of you, and it turns out Zak is her killer. I always told you not to keep him with us, but your insistence on bringing him here has caused this. Because of you, our daughter is no longer with us.”

Zak's father: Look, I know what you're going through, and I promise I'll get him into jail soon. I have no connection with him anymore; he's just a murderer to me. Trust me, please!

She (angrily): I don't want him punished, I want him dead, and promise me that you'll make sure it happens.

Zak's father (softly): I will do my best.

(Next morning)

A policeman meets Mr. Sorter in his office, who is researching the minds of children's .

Policeman: Oh, hi there, Mr...?

Sorter: Mr. Sorter. And your name?

Policeman: Kevin.

Sorter: So, Mr. Kevin, why did you remember me?

Kevin: Look, buddy, the thing is, last night, a 14-year-old boy murdered his sister with a baseball bat on Washington Street.

Sorter: Ohh my god! Bloody shit!

Kevin: Yes, that's true, sir. I called you here regarding the same case.

Kevin's phone rings………. 📞

Kevin: Yes, who is it?

V.O. Ashley 

Ashley: Yes, the post-mortem report of the girl from yesterday's case is here.

Kevin: Oh, so what did it reveal?

Ashley: It's a bit shocking. I am sending you an email, please check it.

Kevin: Yeah yeah, and thank you, Ashley.

Sorter: What happened, Mr. Kevin?

Kevin: The hospital called, the report has been emailed. Let's see what's in the report.

mr. kevin and mr. sorter are checking the report. It was written in the report that the girl was hit twice on the head with a baseball bat, but another thing was also mentioned that she had been drinking and had engaged in sex shortly before the attack.

sorter: What do you think, Kevin?

kevin: I'm not sure, maybe we need to go to St. Xavier and talk to her friends, she used to study there, and maybe we'll find out something from them.

sorter: Alright, let's not waste any more time then...

kevin: Once I inform her father as well.

sorter: Yes, yes.

Kevin dials her father's number, the phone rings...

Hi sir, this is Kevin speaking. I came to your house yesterday. The police have gone to the hospital to collect your daughter's body. The report has arrived.

Father: What does the report say?

Kevin: I'll tell you later.

Kevin and Sorter drive to St. Xavier's and meet with their principal, stating that they need to talk about Zak and his sister. The principal asks if there's anything specific, and Kevin explains that it's important and possibly bad, so they need to inquire quickly. They reveal that Zak has murdered his sister and is now on the run. The principal is shocked, as Zak was a brilliant student. She explains that Zak was in 9th grade, and his sister was in 12th. She then leads them to Zak's classroom.

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