Mother Death

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Zak and Randy had been living there for about 4 years, and everyone was well aware of their friendship. No one dared to mess with them, and things had changed to the extent that even the boys from John's gang would eat only after Zak and Randy had finished their meal. However, somewhere deep down, there was still lingering resentment towards Zak and Randy among some members of John's gang, but Elis was relieved that the bullying from John and his gang had finally stopped.

While everything seemed to be going well, some bad news arrived. Elis brought the news to Randy while Zak and Randy were playing a game, insisting that Zak needed to be called urgently.

Randy, from a distance: "Come on, Mr. Elis, the match is going so well, why are you disturbing us? Look how well Zak is playing."

Elis, shouting: "I know he's playing well, but this is very important. I need to talk to him. It's about his mother."

Randy: "Oh, come on, Uncle, you never give up, do you? I'll go call him."

Randy kicks Kar Zak and tells him that Uncle Elis is saying they need to talk about something urgent, maybe your mom got a call? Zak rushes towards Elis upon hearing this, thinking that maybe a call came from his home, where his family doesn't like him. Why is he getting so worked up? There must be something Zak is hiding from me.

Zak asks Elis what happened, whose call was it? Elis slowly tells him that look Zak, the news is not good, and I have to tell you that your mom is no longer in this world, and Mr. Kevin informed me about it over the phone.
Zak sits down on his knees and starts saying that no, this can't be true, this can't happen, she can't leave me. What will I do without her? Just then, Randy arrives and asks Elis what happened, Uncle? Elis signals him to ask Zak. He asks Zak why he's so sad. Zak tells him to leave him alone, he's not in the mood to talk to anyone right now, but Randy insists, asking if he'll hide things from his little brother now?

Zak remains silent for a while and then says, "I lost my mother, my real mother." Hearing this, Randy is shocked and asks, "What are you saying? Real mother?" Zak, in tears, explains that he hadn't told Randy that his real mother lived in London, and he was forcefully taken to America by his father, where he lived with his stepmother, and the person he killed was his stepsister, his stepmother's daughter. Randy is astonished that Zak hid such a big truth from him, never mentioning the family conflicts, just saying that his family didn't like him. Randy puts his hand on Zak's shoulder and expresses his sorrow that Zak's mother is no longer in this world.

Meanwhile, Elis's phone rings. Zak gets up to answer it and says, "Uncle Kevin, Zak here!" Kevin on the other end says, "My dear Zak, how are you? I was deeply saddened to hear about your mother. Look, Zak, I want to tell you something important, it might sound strange or unpleasant to you." Zak, crying, asks, "Tell me, what is it, uncle?" Kevin explains, "Your mother's death was not natural, she was murdered, and hearing this might shock you, but it seems your father arranged her murder. I'm sorry, Zak, but you needed to know."

Zak drops the phone from his hand in shock. Meanwhile, Randy and Elis watch Zak and realize that something terrible has happened. Randy rushes after Zak, not wanting to see his brother in such distress, understanding the pain of what Zak just revealed.

 Randy rushes after Zak, not wanting to see his brother in such distress, understanding the pain of what Zak just revealed

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