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Zak walks away in the cell, and Randy follows behind him. Zak couldn't bear to see his brother or friend sad.

Randy whispers: I know how you feel, losing a mother is a huge shock, but don't lose courage.

Zak sadly responds: Randy, to tell you the truth, I won't forgive my father for this. Why did he kill my mother? I don't understand. Whoever is behind this, I will teach them a lesson.

Randy looks at him: Yes, my heart is also saying the same, friend, but what are you going to do?

Zak stands up suddenly and starts heading towards the exit of the cell, telling Randy to come with him as they need Uncle Elis's help.

Uncle Elis is smoking in his office when Zak approaches him and says,

Zak: Uncle Elis, will you help us?
Elis lovingly responds: Of course, why wouldn't I? Tell me what you need, Zak.
Zak: You need to get us out of here, me and Randy. And I want this to be done peacefully. I don't want to run away like a fugitive. That's why I've informed you. We're planning to escape from here at midnight.

Elis, shocked: What's gotten into you? Whatever you do, think it through. Your life could be in danger out there.

Zak shouts: Uncle Elis, I have nothing to lose. Don't you know I've lost my mother.

Randy, calming him down: Zak, relax, don't get angry. Uncle Elis is a good person.

Zak shouts: He's a good person, that's why I've come to him through Randy, to tell him that I'm running away.

Elis, sadly: I know what you're going through, Zak. I won't stop you at all. Stay safe, and if possible, let me know if there's anything I can do to help you.

Zak hugs Elis emotionally and starts to leave. Uncle Elis bids him a final goodbye,

Elis: Listen, Zak, take this hat, it will suit you well, and it will always remind you of me. And here's some money, it might help you in your journey

Zak takes the hat and money from him, puts on the hat and looks at himself in the nearby mirror. Randy says, "Bro, this hat looks better on you than Uncle Elis." Elis, standing nearby, laughs and says, "And yes, don't give this hat to that idiot Randy, hahaha."

Zak smiles: Uncle Elis, we will miss you a lot. Thank you for everything.

Elis, with a fake smile: Don't make me emotional, now go.

They leave from there, and as soon as they step out, Randy asks Zak, "What do we do now? We're outside, what's your plan?"

Zak: First, we need to buy or steal a gun.

Randy, shocked: A gun? Are you serious, Zak? Why do we need a gun? Who are you planning to kill?

Zak, angrily: Just listen to what I'm saying, and tell me where we can get a gun.

Randy, scared: Don't yell, Zak, I'm your brother.

Zak feels bad: Sorry, Randy, but I just don't know where to start and where to end.

Randy: What are you trying to say? Look, I know a guy who can give us a gun.

Zak pats his shoulder hurriedly: Then tell me where we can find him?

Randy: He'll be on Mafia Street, and maybe he can help us.

Zak, shocked: Mafia Street? How do they know you there?

Randy, softly: I used to do petty thefts for them, they would give me a place to stay, think of it as a compulsion. But the guy is not bad.

Zak: What's his name?

Randy: Carter! Dangerous Carter!

Zak: Ohhh! Let's see how dangerous he really is.

The two of them book a taxi and arrive at Mafia Street before dawn.

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