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Kevin and the sorter get into the car, and go out to investigate Zak's house,

Sorter: I'm wondering what happened to Zak?

Kevin sighed: Yes, I think I've been here too, man.

Sorter: I don't think Zak is the only culprit, what do you think Kevin?

Kevin: Yes, maybe someone will have this happen now, and sometime or the other will break their limits, and maybe the same thing happened with Zak.

Sorter: We have to find out why this was happening to him? It is important to tell his parents.

Kevin's phone rings,

Zak Father V.O.: Yes, we are going out to perform the last rites of my daughter.
Kevin: Yes, we went to Zak's school, from there we learned many such things, which maybe you should also know?
Zak Father V.O.: Look, we've just left for the cemetery and can you come there?
Kevin: yes yes why not, you know.

Zak's father and his stepmother are crying a lot over the daughter's funeral, and are cursing Zak, they lost their young daughter, all the blame was being given to Zak for all this, then Kevin and Sorter arrive there.

Zak's father sees him from a distance and walks towards his car,
Zak father crying: Did you see what my wife has become, this is the most difficult time for us.

Kevin sighs: We know what's going on with the you, we're doing our best to get Zak to read.

Zak Father: I want him in any situation, and he should be punished severely, forgetting that he is my son, I have nothing to do with him anymore

Sorter: Sir, I and Kevin went to St. Xvier, from there we have come to know some surprising things, and there is nothing right in the post mortem report.

Zak Father: What do you mean? ... What do you want to say?

Sorter: Look, don't mind, but what do we do But we are ashamed to say that your daughter Zak has been physically tortured,

Zak Father Surprised: Physically Tortured? How?

Kevin: yes sir, physical torture

Sorter: See, we found out about Zak and his classmates said that he was a brilliant survivor, and even the principal said, "Did you know that your child was being tortured in school?"

Zakfather: No, he never shared it with me.

Sorter: Maybe you've never listened to him.

Zak Father was angry: Do you know Zak better?

Kevin: Calm down sir, listen carefully first.

Sorter: So the thing is that he was beaten naked by a student in school, and it does not end there, when we met your daughter's classmates, she told us that yesterday she came to your house when you were not at home, and she had a drink with your daughter, Then when the drink was on her head, she rape your son, they were four girl's.

Zak Father sighed: Ohhhhh............

Kevin: One more thing, that torture did not happen only yesterday, he had been a victim of your daughter's torture for a long time, your daughter's friends told us that your daughter used to force Zak to calm herself down and she used to threaten him if he told anyone, she would instead trap him.

Sorter: So were you aware of all this? Did your wife ever tell you?

Zak Father: I don't even know anything like that, I used to come home late at night, and Zak and I used to talk very little, and he has not shared anything like this to me till date.

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