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Zak's mind was swirling with thoughts of Kevin and Sorter, contemplating whether to escape from there. But on the other hand, he was also thinking that his sister lost her life because of him and he deserved punishment, he shouldn't run away. But was his decision right?

Zak enters his room, which was unfamiliar to him with things he had never seen before in his life. He can't sleep the whole night, feeling restless. As someone from a good family, sleeping on the floor was very difficult for him. The face of his sister kept appearing in front of his eyes, haunting him. Zak was feeling scared, as if his sister was right there in the room, calling out to him, tormenting him, asking him why he harmed her. His first night in jail passes like this.

Morning approaches, Mr. Elish comes to him.

Elis, softly: Zak, wake up. It's me, Elish.

Zak: Yes, Uncle Elish, why are you here?

Elis: Aren't you going to escape from here? Kevin said you would need my help, so tell me when should I get you out of here?

Zak: I don't want to go anywhere. I want to stay here. I am a murderer, and perhaps I deserve to be punished right here.

Elis, sadly: Don't think like that, Zak. I know you are innocent. Kevin told me everything about you. Don't you want to go to your mother?

Zak: I want to, Kevin uncle is very nice, he cares about me. But I can't breathe freely with this guilt. It's better if you don't force me now, and if possible, please thank Uncle Kevin and Uncle Sorter for thinking so much about me.

Elis, softly: Think it over, Zak. You still have plenty of time. It's not safe for you to stay here.

Bell rings for breakfast...

Zak picks up his plate to go for breakfast, and all the inmates stare at him. Among them, there is a guy with his gang who also came here after committing murder. The guys from the gang laugh at Zak, calling him the murderer of his own sister, thinking himself as a big gangster. Zak quietly takes his breakfast and sits at his table. Another guy, who knows everyone, is also staring at him from a distance, he seemed troubled.

The leader of the gang, John, comes to Zak and grabs him by the collar, starting to beat him there, telling him that from now on, he must respect him or else he'll beat him like he did to his sister. Zak gets beaten up badly in front of everyone.

In the midst of this, Mr. Elis arrives and tells everyone to go back to their rooms, a new kid has arrived and they have started their gang activities. Get out of here, you rascals.

After the incident, Zak is quite injured, yet he still had a sense of calmness inside him. Now, such behavior towards him was becoming a routine, but Zak didn't want to harm anyone anymore. However, he was about to find a new friend, his name was Randy.

One night, Randy comes to Zak's room, he says,

Randy: Hi Jack! How are you, are your legs okay now?

Zak shrugged: Who are you? And what are you doing here?

Randy smiles: Hey just consider me your friend man, actually I was watching the torture being done on you by those boys for a few days, I could not stay with me, so I thought I would come to give you a courage.

Zak softly: Oh! Yes, they bother me, but it's good, isn't it? I also killed my sister, I am getting punishment for that,

Randy: Come on! Are you still stuck there, Zak? Would you like to share with me why you did this?

Zak Sad: I didn't want to do that, it just happened to me, I was being tortured, maybe very badly.

Randy sad: Sorry Zak! I have sympathy with you, but one thing is that you are so hatter, when those gang boys beat you, harass you, why don't you tell them anything

Zak smiles: I just consider it a punishment for my actions, I am running away from what I did. Maybe.

Randy; But how much more torture will you endure? You don't think they should answer.

Zak quite slowly: If you think he deserves an answer, let's see what to do tomorrow, BTW. Will you join me?

Randy Smile: Sincerely and asked, I am with you, and from today you can call me your friend, maybe a good friend.

Zak: But tell me, why are you here?

Randy smiles: Hahhahah! What can I tell you now?

Zak: Tell me, if you have become friends, then you will have to tell me,

Randy smiles: Look Zak you won't laugh, promise me

Zak: No, I won't do it at all.

Randy: I stole a girl's purse in the market thinking that let's earn something, but after that drugs came out, and the police caught me, and not only accused me of theft, also filed a case of drug smuggling from them, and I am here......

Zak smile: hhhh! It's so bad with you.

Randy: I told you to make fun of me.

Zak ; Look, tell me who is in your family? And why did you steal? Didn't you get pocket money?

Randy Fake Smile: there is no one in my family,   I am, alone in this world, have you ever heard the word orphan? I am the same.

Zak's eyes fill up: Sorry Randy

Zak hugs him and says that after today he is his elder brother, and he is not alone, Randy gets emotional hearing this and hugs him and starts crying, he says that since he has been conscious, he has hugged someone for the first time by getting emotional.

Zak: So watch, what I will do to the boys of gang

Randy starts jumping and says yes yes yes bro, it will be a lot of fun.

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