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Fluttering my eyes open the next morning, I shut off my alarm and sighed. The sun was shining brightly in the hotel window, and I stuffed my head under the comforter for a moment.

Sighing again, I threw my legs out of the bed and stood up. I couldn't be late for my first real day of work.


Putting on some Marianas Trench, I changed quickly into a pair of black shorts. I slipped my arms through a graphic tee I pulled out of my suitcase and I slipped my black Vans on my feet. Grabbing my all access pass, I slipped it on over my head and then walked into the bathroom to do my hair.

Once I was satisfied, I grabbed my phone and bag, slipping it onto my shoulder. By the time I was ready, my iPod was playing Hold Your Breath by Chase Atlantic. Humming along gently, I sprayed myself with some perfume and shut off my iPod, stuffing it into my bag. Walking out of the hotel room, I walked to reception and then caught a taxi to the arena.


"Shan is that you?" A male voice exclaimed as I walked into the sound booth. Looking up, I grinned at John and allowed a laugh to escape my lips.

"Hey, John." I said, walking closer to him and wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

"You look great! Are you excited for the how today?" He asked me, setting a cup of coffee down on the deck and motioning me to take the seat beside him.

"Yes, definitely. are you?" I asked, taking my bag off from around my shoulder and sitting down in the blue chair.

"Yes ma'am," John chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee. "The guys should be arriving soon, along with Hey Violet." Nodding along, I smiled gently.

"I'm just going to go get a drink," I told John, standing up and walking from the booth.

In reality, I went outside and sat in the warm air for a moment. The only people that knew that went down between Luke and I was the band, Nia and of course Eva. Thankfully, none of the crew knew what happened. Unfortunately, that meant that everyone thought all of our, well my, feelings were still there.

That's where thought made a fool of them. I hated Luke with every fibre in my being. I was repulsed by the thought of him, and nothing would ever be the same between the two of us again.

Walking back into the arena, I grabbed a cup of tea and an apple. As I glanced up, I came face to face with a head of bright red hair.

Rolling my eyes, I turned away from the she devil and walked back to the sound booth.

"I think they're here," I said, walking into the booth. "I just saw Nia at the ta-" Looking up expecting to see John, my eyes connected with the one and only.

Calum Hood.

"Holy Shit," Calum exclaimed, his eyes wide open.

"What?" I questioned, feeling awkward. Placing my tea and apple down on the deck, I looked back up at Calum.

"I-I don't know," Calum said, scratching the back of his neck. Rolling my eyes, a smile grew on my lips.

"You're stupid," I told him, pulling at my shirt.

"You look different," he told me, scrutinising my appearance. Not being sure whether to take his comment as an insult or a compliment, I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"My tits grew." I said sarcastically, raising my eyebrow at Calum's figure. My comment caused a smile to instantly grow on his face.

"Really? Can I see?" He asked me, smirking.

"I don't know, can you handle it?" I quipped back, purposely sticking my chest out a little, chuckling.

"Jesus, you've changed." Calum laughed loudly, walking towards me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Holy shit you're right, your tits are bigger!" He exclaimed, causing a fluffy of laughter to escape my lips.

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