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If there's one thing I learned throughout my years of living, it's that no matter what you do or where you go; people will always doubt you. Whether it being a teacher in school, someone you once thought was your best friend or even a family member. There's going to be people in this world who doubt you.

Their questioning glances. Their hushed whispers. Their sarcastic remarks. And even worse, their glares of disgust. The only way to get past them is to ignore them. Smile back, snip back your most sarcastic reply and laugh. But there comes a certain time in your life when their doubts will affect you. Their questioning glances will turn to your eyes, glaring back at you own reflection in disgust.

"Shan, are you ready?" Eva asked me, snapping me from my thoughts. Dragging my eyes away from the mirror, I smiled.

"As ready as an overdue baby," I told her, causing a flurry of laughter to escape both of our lips.

The only way to get past them is to ignore them. Smile back, snip back your most sarcastic reply and laugh. But there comes a certain time in your life when their doubts will affect you.

When we met with the guys outside of Michael's hotel room, I kept my eyes on the ground. I didn't need questioning glances. I didn't need glares of disgust. How many times can I say I'm fine?

I'm fine.

No matter how hard I tried to ignore the feeling of someone's eyes on me, I couldn't shake the feeling from my spine. Glancing up, my eyes met with the green eyes of Michael as he walked out of his room.

"Beth is being a bitch," he muttered, slipping his hotel key card into his wallet. "Michael this, Michael that. I wish she'd just leave me alone." He said, slipping his wallet back into his pocket.

"How is she?" I asked as we trailed behind the others, following them to the club.

"She's being a bitch, have you not been listening to me?" Michael said, his eyes wide in exasperation. "I mean Jesus Christ give me a break." He said, running his hands through his hair. Patting him on the back I allowed a laugh to escape my lips.

Smile back, snip back your most sarcastic reply and laugh.

"Let's just go get you something to drink. Beth is too thirsty." Suddenly, a snort of laughter escaped Michael's lips.

"Thanks, Shan." He murmured, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.


Two hours later and I was absolutely trashed. I had managed to get all my drinks for free, using my sweet talk on the bartender with a promise of later. What a tool.

"Calum!" I screeched, running onto the dance floor and wrapping my arms around the Kiwi's neck. My drink sloshed in my glass and splashed all over my hand but frankly, I didn't give a shit.

"Stan Lee!" Calum replied, snorting. Laughing loudly, I took a huge gulp of my drink. Honestly, I didn't even know what I was drinking. All I knew what that it cut my throat as I drank it.

"If I was Stan Lee, Michael would probably probably marry me." I said to Calum, beginning to dance as David Guetta began to blast throughout the club.

"No!" Calum exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me. "He's not allowed." He told me, pouting.

"Beth would probably shit on me," I said allowing the buzz to run through my body as Calum's hands found their way to my hips.

"I'd beat her up for you," Calum told me, quickly turning me around and connecting my back to his chest.

"Aww," I cooed, "Thank you."

"I got you," Calum mumbled in my ear, connecting his lips to my neck. For the next few moments, I shut my eyes and allowed myself to enjoy Calum's embrace and his soft, warm lips on my neck. Turning around to face him, I wrapped my arms around Calum's neck again.

"I really hate house music," I told him over the booming sounds of Martin Garrix.

"Me too, to be honest." He laughed. Staring into Calum's eyes, I found the room around me begin to spin. His dark eyes were warm, comforting. But for some reason, a certain pair of blue eyes kept coming to mind.

The next thing I know, our lips our connected in a feverish kiss, Calum pulling me as close as possible as I tugged on the ends of his hair. The kiss was hard, almost frantic. Standing higher on my feet, I tilted my head. However, our kids was short lived as something, or rather someone, pulled us apart.

I hope you enjoyed this :-) btw Calum n Shanley are absolutely trashed in this chapter. did anyone notice my reference to Knuckle Puck in this chapter? It's from one of their new tracks, Untitled. Check it out *sunglasses emoji* peace out guys love u

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