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After I rechecked Hey Violets in-ears, I ran back up to the sound deck and John was already there waiting for me. Right Back At It Again by A Day To Remember was playing loudly in the arena and I felt my chest well up. The concert was going to begin soon and honestly, I was beyond excited.

"Are the guys all set up?" John asked me, placing his phone down on the deck and glancing up at me. Nodding my head, I sat down on the blue computer chair beside him.

"Yes sir," I told him with a smile.

"Awesome. So here's what you have to do..." As soon as John began explaining my job to me, I could see the passion within his eyes. His love for music and sound was beyond comprehension and honestly, it made me want to become the best assistant he's ever had.

For this show, with it being my first, I mainly had to watch the boys to make sure they could hear their instruments in their ears alright over the crowd. If they couldn't, they had two signals so I either had to turn up or down the volume. It was nothing too challenging, and I was honestly looking forward to it.

When Stacy's Mom began to play, a faint smile grew on my lips. I absolutely loved this song, and I added it at Michael's special request.

"Five minutes," Zoë, the tour manager, spoke into the head sets. Shooting me a quick glance, John nodded at me and I nodded back. I was prepared, I could handle this.

"Hey Violet are ready and waiting to go. John, we're going at the end of this song." Zoë said again. John replied with a quick affirmation and before I knew it, the lights began to dim and the screaming began.

A crash of a cymbal sounded throughout the arena and the screaming intensified. My heart began to beat faster within my own chest. I always felt at home when I was at concerts, and the fact that I got to experience this for the next five months was amazing.

"We're on," Zoë said, just as I saw three other figures run onto the stage. Turning on the mics onstage, John lowered his headphones onto his ears. I, however, waited to see was there any band member sending me volume signals.

"Hello Lisbon," Rena called out walking onto the stage. "We're Hey Violet!"

And that was the beginning of the Rock Out With Your Socks Out Tour.

Hey guys I hope you liked this sorry for the shit update but I'm staying at my friends house right now and she fell asleep and I think I have insomnia bc I can never sleep anymore but oh well anyway I hope you enjoyed this and thank you all for the birthday wishes I got an iPhone 6 from my parents and I cried anyway Nicola when you read this in the morning I just want you to know that you fuckin snore you piece of shit

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