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"What, really? Can I see?" Another male voice said, walking into the booth. Rolling my eyes, I turned around and smiled at Michael.

"I don't think Beth would be very happy with that," I told him, opening up my arms and engaging in a hug. Michael wrapped his arms around me and scoffed.

"I love her, but I'll never pass up the opportunity to see a free rack." Michael told me simply, causing a flurry of laughter to escape my lips.

"Dude soundcheck doesn't start for another two hours, do you want to go and raid the food table?" Calum said, not looking at neither Michael nor I in particular.

"Fuck yes," Michael instantly said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the booth.

"I literally just got food though!" I told them, pulling back on Michael's hand. Truth be told, I'd love to go and eat tonnes of food with them. However, being with one half of the band meant one thing.

The other half was never far away.

"Please, Shan?" Calum pouted. "We haven't seen you in like a month." Giving me his best puppy eyes, I couldn't help but smile.

"Fine, just hold on a second." I said, turning around and running back into the booth. Grabbing my head set, I began to fix it onto my ear and put the mic near my mouth.

All members of crew were required to wear a head set, it's so we all know what's going on.

"C'mon." I said, walking out of the booth and following the beaming boys down to the food table.

Once we reached the table, the boys were quick to begin eating but I stayed to the side, listening to the conversation on the head set.

"Shan, can you come back to the booth please?" John suddenly said into the set. Bringing my hand up and pressing a button on the side of the set, I spoke back to John.

"No problem, I'm on my way now." Turning around, I faced the guys again.

"Got to go guys, John needs me." I said to them, causing Michael to pout. Rolling my eyes and smiling at the pair, I made my way back up to the booth.

"Alright, Shan we need to finish setting things up because the guys are going in to get changed soon. Are you alright with helping the guys with their in-ears? It's only connecting everything up, just like I showed you." John said to me, looking around the booth.

"Yeah, that's no problem." I told him, swallowing my pride. I knew I wasn't going to be able to avoid Luke for the whole tour, but the idea was nice.

"Then before the show starts, you can come back up here and I'll show you how things work." John said, looking me in the eyes. "After the show, someone backstage will help the guys take off their in-ears. You can take them then and we'll keep them up here until the next show." Nodding my head, I looked over at the four monitors. "Basically you'll just be over the in-ears and communicating with the boys on stage."

"One last thing," John said, glancing back at me. "The boys have given you control over what music to play before the show begins, so you may want to make a playlist."


"Fifteen minutes!" A voice boomed into my head set. Exhaling heavily, I continued my walk backstage.

After successfully avoiding Luke since that day I saw him leaving his bedroom, I was a bag of nerves. I had decided I was just going to ignore him conpletely, but I didn't know how it was going to affect all of the progress I've made in the past month.

Opening the door to the guys dressing room, I exhaled gently. The only people in the room were the four boys and Eva, she was helping them perfect their outfits.

"Lee?" A voice said suddenly. My chest constricted in pain, knowing exactly who it was. Turning around to face him, Luke stood with his mouth agape. He had gotten taller since I saw him last, and possibly broader. His hair was in its usual perfect quiff and his stupid lip ring adorned his bottom lip.

I was filled with rage, so much rage. I know theoretically there was nothing going on between Luke and I but I had made my feelings for him blatantly obvious. He had used me, but worst of all he lied to me. Again. All I wanted to do was hit him, cause him at least a fraction of the pain he caused me.

"Luke." I said blankly, ignoring him and closing the door behind me. Walking over to Michael, the tension in the room increased. Everybody was watching Luke and I, and I hated it.

I slipped Michael's in-ears down the back of his shirt and hooked them up to his monitor. Fixing the volume, I tested it with my phone by playing Drown by Bring Me The Horizon. When Michael was happy with the volume, I moved onto Ashton.

"Are you excited for the show tonight?" I asked him, allowing my phone to continue playing Drown.

"Fuck yes!" Ashton giggled out, causing a smile to grow on my lips. "You look great, by the way." Smiling up at Ashton again, I tested the volume for him and then moved onto Calum.

"You better be coming out tonight," he told me, helping me push the wires down the back of his shirt.

"I will," I said to him, rolling my eyes.

"Good," Calum said, shooting me a toothy grin.

"How are things between you and Gee?" I asked him. "Do you still talk?"

"Nah," He said simply, slipping in his in-ears. "We just lost contact."

"That sucks," I said to him, checking his volumes.

"I know, but I don't have the time for anything serious." He said shrugging.

"Best of luck," I said, smiling up at him. Shutting my eyes momentarily, I moved onto Luke.

When I approached him, I realised he already had his in-ears fixed down his shirt. Hooking them up to his monitor, Luke gazed down at me.

"You look really good, Lee." I bit down on my lip.

"Don't call me that." I said quietly. Grabbing my phone and hooking it up to his monitor.

"I can't hear anything." Luke muttered, fixing his in-ears again. Glancing down at the monitor, I furrowed my eyebrows. The volume was up, everything was connected. What's wrong with it?

Glancing down at my phone, I realised that the song ended. Waiting for the next one to begin, my heart fell in my chest when I saw what began to play.

"Mayday Parade are my favourite band," I mumbled, letting go of Luke's antler necklace and looking up at him.

"What's your favourite song?" he asked me softly, moving closer to me and placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"Stay." I said instantly. "I just love everything about it. What's yours?" I replied, placing my hands on Luke's chest and shitting my eyes.

"You Be The Anchor. It's always been one of my favourites." Luke mumbled.

Luke's eyes snapped to mine as soon as You Be The Anchor started to play.

"That good?" I asked him quickly, lowering my head.

"Perfect," he mumbled. Disconnecting my phone from his monitor, I began to make my way to the door.

"Best of luck guys," I said, avoiding Luke's gaze. Running out of the dressing room, I cursed the day in ever laid eyes on Luke Hemmings.

Hey guys, how are you? I renamed this story so it's now called Stay, this'll make more sense as more is revealed :-) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's rlly long. I actually wrote half of this the other night at 4am lol


Stay | lrh [sequel to Moonlight]Where stories live. Discover now