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Snapping my eyes open, I instantly connected with Calum's startled gaze. Behind him, stood a highly intoxicated male.

"Shit, sorry man!" He laughed, patting Calum on the back. "I thought you were someone else!" After Calum and he did that universal guy shake, Calum turned back to me.

"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" He shouted in my ear, a stupid grin on his face. Remembering the taste of his lips on mine, a smile grew on my face.

"Sure!" I giggled, catching onto his bicep.

And so, the two of us stumbled back to the hotel down the street. Between bad jokes and fits of laughter, the two of us finally managed to make our way to the elevator which sent us flying towards our floor.

"I used to have the biggest fear of elevators," Calum revealed to me, glancing down at me.

"Really? How come?" I asked him, gazing up to look into his eyes.

"When I was younger, Mali and I got stuck in one." He chuckled. "I peed my pants." Once again, the pair of us were reduced to laughter. Laughing with Calum was so easy.

Or else it was the alcohol.


When I woke the next morning, I had the worst taste in my mouth and someone's arm was strewn across my body. Opening my eyes slowly, the brightness blinded me.

"Fuck..." I whispered, rubbing my eyes tenderly. Attempting to open my them again, I gave them a moment to adjust fully before I realised I was in a hotel room, in bed. Turning around gently, I learned it was Calum who had his arm wrapped around me.

Instantly, my eyes bulged out of their sockets and I frantically lifted up the covers, to look at my body. Thankfully, I was wearing clothes. They weren't mine, but they were clothes.

"Stop moving," Calum grumbled, wrapping his arm around me tighter.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, searching around blindly for my phone.

"I don't care," Calum whined, shoving his head underneath the comforter.

Sighing gently, I gave up searching for my phone and joined Calum in returning to sleep. I was way too tired to care right now.

"Calum!" A booming knock snapped me from my sleep. Glancing at Calum in the bed beside me, I realised he was sitting up scrolling through his phone.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked him, yawning and scratching my eyes.

"Just about twenty minutes," he said, locking his phone.

"Calum come on!" Another voice said, one I instantly recognised to be Luke's.

"Shit," I muttered, rolling out of the bed. I was wearing a black shirt, with VANS written on the left chest.

"We didn't do anything," Calum said before I could open my mouth. "Just cuddled." Allowing a laugh to escape my lips, I threw my hair up into a quick ponytail.

"That's good to know," I said, noticing my handbag on the ground. I was only wearing Calum's shirt and my underwear, there was no way I could leave his room looking like this.

Grabbing my bag, I thanked the heavens above I had picked up one of Gee's habits. Packing a pair of leggings in my bag. Unrolling them quickly, I pulled them up my legs and fixed the shirt on my body.

"I-I hope this doesn't make things weird," I said to Calum, referring to last night. As I stood there, I began wiping under my eyes. I expected to see a load of makeup coming off but instead, my hand came back clean.

"Not at all," Calum said suddenly, jumping out of the bed. "It was just like one kiss, it wasn't a game changer." He said smiling.

"Good," I said relieved.

"Fuck sake Calum get up!" Michael shouted from outside the door.

"I'm going to run." I said to Calum, grabbing my dress and shoes in my hands. Stuffing my phone into my bag and slinging it over my shoulder, Calum began to laugh at me.

"I'll keep them distracted. I'll open the door, you run. Got it?" He said, walking closer to the door. A huge grin grew on my face.

"Got it," I whispered, crouching behind his body. Calum opened the door and before anybody had a chance to say a word, I bust through the door and ran down the hallway.

"H-Holy shit was that Shanley?!" Michael screamed.

"What?!" Luke snapped.

:-) hope you guys enjoyed. please vote and comment and all that stuff

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