Nightmares in the Night (Fade & Neon)

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the Protocol was quite save for the quiet hum of the lights, and footsteps of the Night owl Agents. fade happened to be one of them, The Nightmares within her body making it hard to sleep as it clawed and pushed against its restraints. she gave a soft groan, leaning further against the couch, rubbing the sides of her head quality. the Common room was a comfortable temp and filled with shelves and tables. the shelves held some books, some of the agents little trinkets, a table held Cyphers Chessboard, and another held some Raze and Killjoys  tools and materials. the couches where shoved in one corner, with a decent sized tv, and multiple gaming consoles for the agents. Said tv was playing a movie quietly, one that Fade didn't even remember putting on or even whats its about.  in another corner was 2 pcs, with basic monitors and had a few games on it, as well as basic files for the protocol,  And some of Killjoys and Vipers more basic blueprints, so they had backups somewhere else. 

She could hear quiet banter in the kitchen, right across from the common room, where Yoru and Phoenix were winding down after a mission. their argument, though quiet, made Fades head pulse with pain, though wanting to tell them to shut up, Fade didn't want to move from her seat. Sharing a wall with the Common room was, unfortunately, Killjoy and Raze's Workshop, where the two would be messing around with whatever invention they made, and the occianly explosion from Raze, coupled with the yelling of both of them and eventually Killjoy kicking out her girlfriend with a laugh. for now the Workshop was quiet, Raze and Killjoy on a mission, though the two would be in the workshop as soon as they go back, if she knows the two. 

in Another part of the protocol, the lightning Agent with blue and yellow hair was tossing and turning under the covers. her face scrunched up and the mumbles, turning to full pants before She shot awake with a scream, Shooting up and raising her fists she looks around for a threat in her room, eyes wide and blown with fear and as tears gathered she sagged against her bedsheets. Neon was the newest Agent to Valorant, and though she was quite abit younger than the other agents, she had proved her worth on her first couple missions, though the fear of losing control of her powers, and what Fade had put in the dox email, kept constantly playing in her head. she wiped the tears as quickly as they could form and  walked out of her room, her footsteps loud in the hallway as she made her way to the common room. she decided to just sit out the wait for Killjoy, Raze, and Jett to come back from their missions, so she can forget the nightmare. Hearing the Voices of Phoenix and Yoru, yet again arguing, had her smile softly. they two found even the simplest things to argue about, loving to get on each others nerves, Like brothers. 

When she entered the Common room however, she spotted the one agent most of them avoid. She was recruited because her "powers are valuable to the protocol", but Neon, and a few others, know that she was only recruited so she wouldn't spill their secrets. Everyone was still wary of the doxxer, everyone going out of their way to give the doxxer a wide berth. even on missions it was reluctant agreement, though no one stayed close to her. Neon wasn't sure what to do, the Tv was playing some sort of cartoonish movie, one that Neon didn't expect Fade to even enjoy, though the nightmare didn't even seem to be watching. her body was slumped forward, her head down though her body tense. She had her eyes tightly closed and was rubbing the side of her head, in what seems like trying to relive pain. a unexpected pang of worry, that surprised even Neon, had her turning and walking into the kitchen. As expected both phoenix and Yoru were sitting at a table, quietly fighting over how many kills they got on their mission. Neither boy saw Neon walk in so she stayed quiet and grabbed a water bottle for both her and Fade, before heading out towards the medbay. She knew Sage was probably sleep, she hoped s much so she didn't need to explain the sudden worry over the Nightmare. Opening the door she slipped in, seeing the other medics walking around, though no Sage nor Viper in sight. grabbing the closest bottle of tylenol she slipped back out, letting go of the breathe she didn't even know she was holding.

with the, hopefully, peace offering in hand she heads back to the common room, praying that Fade was still there, otherwise she didn't know where the Doxxer would be. When she walked in she as thankful to see Fade sitting in the exact same spot and position, though her hands were against her head fully. Slowly walking over she gently tapped Fades shoulder, wincing as the doxxer whirled around with a snarl, ready to fight whoever dared touch her. Fade paused when she saw Neon standing behind her, water bottles and a little bottle of something in hand, though Neon had backed away, eyes flashing in fear. Fade took a deep breath trying to calm the nightmares within her, before turning to the younger agent. "what do you need Neon?" she tried to keep her voice even, to not scare the agent anymore than she did already. "i... um... i saw you may be in pain from a headache.. i have a water bottle and tylenol to" Neon stuttered nervously putting her hands out to the doxxer holding the water bottle and tylenol to Fade. Fade looks down at the offered items, then took the offered items with a quiet "thanks." she opened the water and downed two pills quickly with one gulp. the water helping a little by relieving the pressure of the headache. Fade closed her eyes in relief, before looking over at the younger agent more closely. 

Neon hasn't moved from where she stood, watching Fade with caution. Fade could see where her shirt was drenched from sweat, though she knew that everywhere was kept at a comfortable temperature, the only places that weren't was Killjoys Workshop, and Vipers Lab, both being kept at slightly lower temps so their gear wouldn't get messed up. And upon closer inspection Fade could see slight tear tracks lining the younger girls face. Fade was hit with a sudden worry, which had her face go from worried to confused to annoyance within  a second. "Why are you up this late Neon? i know you dont have a mission, and didnt you have training with Skye and Breach?" Fade said, trying to bring it up without sounding worried, though Neon caught on. "u-uh.. just randomly... woke up..?" neon flinched as her response sounded more like a question, which Fade caught on quickly. "that isn't true and you know it, did you have a nightmare?" "why do you care? your only here so Brimstone can make sure your not spreading information about us. what grounds do you have hm?" Neon snapped, immediately regretting it as Fades face turned angry, though it quickly turned to guilt, then with a sigh Fade turns away. 

"your right, i am sorry for pressing when im obviously not needing to. thank you for the water and pain meds." Fade turned her attention back to the movie, her body itching and screaming for her to do something about the younger agent in the room, but she stayed put. Fade heard neon mutter something in her native language before taking a deep breath and walks over sitting beside the Doxxer, though keeping a good distance away from her. "i... im sorry, i guess im still annoyed from what you said.. but yes it was a nightmare.... im fine now though.." Fade only nodded, realizing that the Spark Plug didn't want to talk about it. they sat in comfortable, though tense silence being broken by a quiet yawn from the younger,  before a sudden weight shook Fade from her thoughts. looking to the side she saw Neon had laid her head on her shoulder. Fade tensed, the urge to shove off the agents head off her, being overridden at the state of calm over the sparkplugs face. remembering the tear tracks on the younger face Fade decided to just let her have this. gently moving her head so she was curled up on the couch, Neons head in her lap, her nightmares finally lessened, Allowing Fade to slowly fall asleep, Neons head being a good anchor to the girl of Nightmares.

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