Helpless in the night (Jett/Pheonix)

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All it was supposed to be was a recon mission. That's why Brimstone assigned the Wind and fire duilist to the mission. Though with Omega it was everything BUT. Jett grunted as she pressed her back against the wall of Site A, a hand on her shoulder to stop the bleeding, her entire left arm numb at this point. She was dusty from rolling away from slashes and diving into cover to hide from the gunshots of Omega agents Brimstone and Sova.

The soft grunts in her ear telling her that her partner was still very much alive, which calmed her slightly as she shuffled, trying to grab her pistol with a shakey hand. "Pheonix I need help, pinned down A site with Sova and Brim-" she cut herself off as footsteps sounded, closing in on her position. The heavy footfalls of Brimstone had been heading for the other entrance of the small L hallway she was hiding in, while The Hunters light footsteps where heading right where she was positioned.

She could hear Pheonixs frantic questions, trying to get her to respond, to no Advil. Seeing the doorway to backsite was so close, Jett steeled herself and gritted her teeth as she moved her injured arm onto the rifle to hold it steady. Taking one more steadying breathe she used her Tailwind and shot out of the hiding spot, spraying bullets at Sova as she did before disappearing into the hallway.

Her shoulder and arm suddenly screaming in pain and starting to bleed again.she could hear Brimstone and Sova's footsteps following her, and Pheonix was still trying to get her attention. "Jett?! JETT ANSWER ME BRUV?!" Jett winced as his yell before shakily responding between pants. "Bac-backsite, stilll have Brim-brimstone and Sova on me..." the pain in her voice must've clued him in, and he could hear him curse. "Alright.. I downed their Killjoy and Cypher, Meet me B site, do you think you can make that?"

Jett gave a invulinatry whimper of pain as a wave of pain crashed over her, coinciding with a gunshot. She lurched foreard slightly, though thankfully not falling as her body screamed in pain. "Neg-negative Pheonix... I'm hit and slowing.. I need... back-backup..." she turned into the first open doorway she saw, diving behind a stack of boxes and pressing her hand onto the new wound to stop the bleeding with a soft cry of pain.

"O-okay.. I'm on my way, if you can try to just hide away or reposition just be careful." Jett noticed how bad his voice was wavering and felt a jolt of worry. "Yo-your not hi-hi are you..?" She whispered into the mic, hearing Sova and Brimstone pass her hiding spot and disappeared into another ally. "No, worry about yourself here Jett, you gotta try to stop the bleeding." Jett nodded though he couldn't see her, and kept pressing her hand against the new wound, hissing in pain.

Footsteps warned her that someone was coming, and acting on instinct she shot up and aimed her pistol at the opening just as a familiar face appeared. The drilling filled her and she still aimed until he stepped back. "Woah Jett your okay.. it's just me bruv.. relax your making your wounds bleed worse.." as he said that she sagged, the fight leaving her body and leaving her feeling lightheaded and limp. She fell forward. Body no longer having the energy to stay upright, though a warm body caught hers, and hastily pressed their hands on the bullet wounds, earning a whimper and her trying to get away. "Shh.. it's okay Jett.. don't fall asleep though Bruv.. gotta stay awake okay?"

Her vision cleared alittle to show the worried face of Pheonix looking back down at her. She didn't know when he adjusted her on this lap but she was thankful. She had lost way to much blood at this point and she was feeling extremely faint and weak, her eyesight swimming again,  so Jett motioned him to come closer. Pheonix's brow furrowed but he leaned closer, and Jett used the rest of her strength to push herself up and gently kiss him on the lips.

She watched with swimming vision as his eyesight widened in surprise, the relaxed and kissed back. Loosing her energy she fell back agaisnt his lap and let her eyes close, to the complaints of pheonix. The last thing she heard before she succumbed was Pheonix whispering one line.

"Jett no stay with me please.. stay awake!"

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