Little knitted plushies (Omen)

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Everyone knew that if there was no mission for him, the living ghost could be found In the common room knitting. He couldn't remeber where or when he learned the skill, he only knew he could do it. As son as he figured out he could knit a Plushie, he took it upon himself to make plushies for everyone. He made Jett a mini Jett holding a Kunai, Sova had a mini Sova holding a Bow, Deadlocks was a cute polar bear to represent her hometown, vipers was a snake (and though viper growled and rolled her eyes in annoyance he knew she liked it.

Even Gekko, Brimstone, sage and Reyna got one. A mini Wingman for Gekko, who started asking for more plushies of his gang. Brimstone was a miniature him with his signature orange beret, sage was a mini sage holding an orb, and Reyna was a little vampire bat, which she found halarious. Omen loved seeing his friends faces light up every time he gave them their little plushie, though he also made a few small blankets.

It was late one night and Omen was sitting in the common room, knitting quietly as he relaxed. Since it was nearly 4 in the morning he had doubt that even the latest night owl would no longer be up, so he wasn't expecting the footsteps of an agent to enter the room. Looking up from his yarn he studied the new agent curiously, unable to fully make out who it was in the dark.

"Ah Omen.. I thou- I mean you are.. I thought you wouldn't be in here today." The agent said softly, the voice hinting omen right away on who it was. "Well I spend most of my time here, I'm surprised you didn't realize. Since I'm pretty sure you have Camreas set up everywhere." Cypher chuckled as he walked over, sitting on the opposite couch with a sigh. "Your not wrong, but you are like a ghost, I can't seem to catch you on the camreas unless your going towards Vipers Labatory.

Omen raised his head once again at that, though his hood and three blue slits did nothing to show his emotion. "Why do you have a camrea set up in the hallway leading to Vipers Lab?" Cypher just waved his hand, like he was waving off the question. "Ah my dear friend, you forget that information is key!" "Yea well so is privacy, don't let Vioer know you have a camera there. She would skin you alive, or use you for testing." Cypher just laughed like his threat wasn't just that, and turned to watch the ghost.

"Whatcha knitting this time?" Cyoher said quietly, reaching over to the coffee table and grabbing the tv remote, and turning on the tv. "Beanie for Killjoy. Thought it would be more practical that a beanie." "Ay the little engineer would live that, though she does have plushies, a lot actually." Omen just huffed softly, though tucked that information away for later. "And how would you know that?"

Cipher just smirked knowingly and turned his attention to the Tv, flipping through the channels to find something interesting. Omen took his silence as is and focused back in on the beanie. He hoped he got the size right, though Raze managed to grab him a beanie to copy. It was a minute later that cypher decided to speak again. "It's really sweet, that you make plushies for everyone." Omen looked up at him saying nothing but pausing his movement.

"What? It's true, they do really love the plushies you make them. Where'd you learn the skill anyway?" Omen shrugged lightly, once again trying to think back on where he found the skill, but still coming up blank. "I dunno, I just know I can do it." Omen said simply, which Cyoher seemed to take and focused his attention back to the tv, where an old timey movie was playing. They sat in comfortable silence allowing the movie to be the only thing talking. Slowly dawn started trickling in and it was then that Omen could hear soft snores coming from the couch next to him.

Raising his head once more he could see Cyoher had his neck up against the back of the couch, in a position that would surly hurt his neck, and his body was relaxed, breathing even. With a soft sigh Omen got up and grabbed the remote to pause and trun off the movie. With that done, he quietly moved over to the sential and gently adjusted him so he's laying on his side, head propped by a pillow, and after grabbing one of the blankets he made, draped it over the form of the Information broker.

Returning back to his seat and resuming his little project he watched over his friend as he slept, allowing nothing but good dreams and the quiet mornings of the agents who shuffled in, still half asleep, protect him and his friend.

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