Qui Vivra Verra (french) Time will tell

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Tethered to a wineglass that was nothing satisfying to the day she had, Gal sips mindfully gazing down upon the glimmering city. Her empire stood under her, built of blood, sweat and tears. Billions of dollars in her clutches and yet she felt the emptiness eating away at her flesh.

An emptiness that was once home to cerulean orbs and fragrant gold hues that wrap tightly around her fingers. A hollowness that held a magnitude of contentment strewn from carefree beauty and glorious laughter that spread like wildfire. Parts of a woman that became her undoing, the overthrow of her kingdom.

Nothing tasted as it once did. Celebrated cities became a picture with no meaning. Days became another chasing sunset without the rays of the sun upon her skin. The meaning of life dwindled in her hands as years pass and her heart hardened against the whole world.

She became a demon. Harshly critical to the foundations of her work. Brashly dismissive with everyone that held onto the last bit of hope.

Then, Lily happened.

Like breaking through the surface of her watery grave and inhaling air for the first time. Like witnessing her first heartbeat. Suddenly, she felt free. At last.

But the fear strikes and her mind resets to the situation at hand.

Lily could easily flip the script and keep her distance. The woman was made for running and all hope could be lost. Mundane seconds scraped off the clock and Gal could waste away. Waiting. Expecting. Disappointed.

Being hopeful was a fool's game. And some days she felt like a queen, but at the moment she was just a pawn. Limited to one square jump. Bounded to diagonal winnings but never subduing a queen that could mangle all her chess pieces. Yes, Gal felt checkmate coming on strongly and what would she do then?

She felt powerless.

Never in her life Gal felt completely stripped of all her power. Then again, Lily always held the keys to unleashing the beast inside and keeping Gal safe and sound.

The blaring cellphone interrupted her weary thoughts before Gal peeks behind her. Odd that her sister was calling her at this hour especially when Maya couldn't keep her hands off her wife. Honeymoons were overrated if they asked her but the newly weds were all about tradition.

She let the phone ring once more and soon Gal swipe to answer the nuisance.

"Thought by now, you'd be sick of me," Gal quips, secretly buzzing from her nearly empty wine bottle.

The silence was killing as Gal furrows her brows. She peered down at the cellphone thinking the call had disconnected but the seconds still ticked before Gal brought the phone back to her ear.


A shuddering breathe answered her before Maya had pulled the lever to the ice cold chill that ran through her body.

"Gal, it's Lily."

Hours felt like years as her mind went haywire. Faints of sunrise peep through the glowing cabin as her mind swirled around the questions pertaining to a woman that held all the power. Her power.

One call was all it took to have her sweeping through her contacts to call the Calvary. Pilots and crew members on standby for her beckoning. Hastily gathering her things and throwing it all in her luggage before flying through the hangar and literally jumping on her private jet.

It was embarrassing to say the least, especially when the haunting memories flooded her mind. The last time someone had used three weighted words, Gal was staring at Lily's mangled face. Brutally beaten and on the cusp of death, Lily's comatose state had sent Gal spiraling with rage. She had never felt panic and fear so immensely in her life and she wouldn't dare to feel again. And yet, Maya's vague explanation had her traveling across the globe in hopes she could save Lily.

The Surgeon's Kismet ( Book 2 Gal GadotxFem)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant