Palaver (n.) loud, confusing, empty talk

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Chasing an endless supply of blurry pictures that moved lopsidedly with every drop that spilled down her throat. Soft tones of jazz drowned out by the dazzling red head, chatting about whatever the hell it was. Some astronomical signs that were compatible to her own. All she wanted was a damn drink as Gal raised her fingers towards the bartender. Maybe if she had enough, the woman would be as enticing as sapphire orbs and glowing blonde hair.

As her cup had filled, Gal threw back the whole glass, savoring the burn that dulled by the minute. She sighs contently as her eyes became heavy. She'd never had a drunk fuck in a long time and she was quite sure she could fuck her frustrations out on the ginger, if the woman would stop talking.

"You read stars darling?" Gal stammers drunkenly, twirling on her stool to have a better look at the beauty. She regretted the movement, feeling herself spinning in a room full of imaginary characters.

The petite young woman giggles turning as fiery as her hair, "I'm an astrology major."

She hums low in her throat, unable to comprehend a single word out of the woman's mouth, "why are you here?"

Her impatience was growing by the second wanting to be free of her lingering thoughts of a certain blonde that had been haunting her nights for the past three fucking days. The desperation made her gag internally before Gal had slipped another shot of whiskey down her throat.

"Wanna get out of here?"

Her words were jumbled up from her swollen tongue as the woman's stunned features meant her words hadn't come out right. She plastered an awful smirk to convince the woman otherwise. The blush she was gifted had her preening before the woman had the audacity to be startled as she loomed closer.

"What do you say?"


Exhaustion riddled her body like an everlasting cramp that played tricks on her every time she attempted to stretch out the damn muscle. But every which way she leaned, an elbow or a foot would halt her movements. She caressed her bulging belly, trying to calm her babies down as the sun already disappeared.

"Please settle down. You're both giving mommy a hard time," she mutters leaning against the wall. The metal bench hadn't given her much more than a sore bum but it was the thought that counted.

"Excuse me ma'am-"

Her whimpers of defeat drained out the security guards that she had created a friendship with before Lily's eyes peered up to the hesitating men, "please don't tell me visiting hours are over," she jests.

The head security guard, Tyler sadly nods, "there's always tomorrow," he shrugs.

Lily harrumphs but gathered her things together. She peeks to the end of the hall where the door still remains closed, "any idea when she'll come out?"

Tyler stood in confusion before shaking his head. She eyes him wearily pointing a finger playfully at him.

"You know something I don't," Lily teases playfully before Micah beside him raises his brows.

"She's not here. Ms. Gadot hadn't come back from her meeting."

Her face drops to Tyler, "and you had me waiting here for hours?"

The poor security guards stiffens before elbowing his partner that had Lily whooping in laughter. She hauled her tote bag onto her shoulder, "I'm just messing with you."

Tyler blew out a deep breath as Micah laughs at his expense before hooking his hand under Lily's bag, "let me get that for you," he mumbles.

Micah scoffs playfully, extending his arm but Lily waved him off as she always did. She was grateful that there were still fine gentlemen these days before she slowly put one foot in the front of the other. She tenses by the surge of tightness building from her lower stomach before she grasped tightly on the nearest thing she could hold onto. An unimaginable pain lit a fire through her panicking the whole security forces that was a second from calling the whole Calvary.

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