11. Steps

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Light entered his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

He opened the envelop quickly, sitting down on his bed. Ryuk watched in curiosity, as Light's facial expressions changed into one of the devil's. His jaw clenched on every word he read.


K got me first!

He stood up in frustration, kicking his bed, but stubbing his own toe in doing so.

'Kira. Nice to talk to you. I'm k. You must've known that. You maybe surprised that how I am specifically talking to you in this letter. Because, this was meant for you, Kira. I knew you would be a part of the taskforce. I knew you would come. And look, that's what exactly happened. My plan worked out and you showed up. But, unfortunately for you.......... I saw who you are.
I know the way you kill, Kira. I know everything that it takes to hunt you down. Let's just come into an agreement, so that I don't reveal your identity to the entire world.
I want you to somehow make the second kira give up the ownership of their death note.
I'll be in constant contact with you, so, don't you dare try to play your tricks with me. Because I know who you are and I can simply kill you, if you tried to get in my way.

Until next time.


Ryuk laughed his ass off.

"Looks like someone's got tricked" He mocked the brown haired boy.

"LIKE HELL!!" Light slammed his fist on the wall beside, only for a photoframe to fall down and shatter into pieces, that was hung up on the wall before.

"If this K knows about death notes and stuff, this means that k has a death note too. I have to be carefull."

Ryuk grabbed an apple with his bony hands, eyeing the boy.

Things are getting really interesting.


"Shinigamis can love humans?" Y/n asked, with her brows furrowed in confusion.
Dark nodded.

"If a shingami in love, kills anyone for the sake of saving their favourite human's life, the shinigami disappears or, you may say, dies..."

"Well then, why didn't you tell me this before?" She rolled her eyes.

They were standing under a tree, that was inside the university campus, as it was time for break.
No one seemed to notice her, as everyone else was busy gossiping or messing around. Even if they did, they'd think she's insane, or she's on drugs, talking to thin air.

Either way, she didn't care.

"Shinigami's do have feelings?" Her left eyebrow raised in question.

Dark rolled his eyes before trailing off, "Only the ones who are stupid enough to fall for a mere trashy human."

She just chuckled at his remark, and took a deep breath in the cool breeze.

"Oh, Y/n!" Kenji walked up to her, standing beside her, under the tree.

"What's up, Ken?" She nudged his arm, with a smile.

The boy had a quite sulky expression.
"What's up with YOU?!" His asked, pointing his finger at her.

"You haven't been giving me any time, lately!" He complained, folding his hands, against his chest.

She chuckled, "I apologize. It's just that I'm trying to give extra time for studies..."

He smiled. Kenji couldn't be angry on her for long.

"I forgive you. But you have to make it upto me. I want you out on a date with me!" He voiced eyeing her expressions, in a flirtatious manner.

"A... a date?" She mumbled.

"A friendly date, you scum!" He yelled with a laugh.

She just smiled at his words, as her scanned his face.

He could be useful to me...

After the break was over, they both parted ways, for their classes.

"So, Dark. I have a plan... " She blurted out, which took the shinigami by bewilderment.

If I convince Dark, to follow through my plan, the second kira who has the shinigami eyes, won't be able to tell if I have a death note...

"Your favourite things are donuts and entertainment, right?"

Dark nodded.

Y/N smirked.

what's up reader?!...

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