The Vikings Return

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Eira has remained asleep for a short while. She had no more dreams as she just dreamed of a day where she could forever rest. She remained cold from the amount of beatings she had endured, the blood that had shed was infinite. For a short while, there was nothing coming for her throat. So she laid herself down in the shape of a body, she lives in a figurative. But her sleep was soon to be cut short. Eira had heard loud screams from the creatures once again. She thought it would soon fade, just another typical fucking day for her. But it wasn't the case. There were screams to be heard all throughout the realm. From around her, above her, away from her, and behind her. Eira's eyes burst open. The screams were so loud she sat up to see everything around her. Oh no. She thought. They're coming for me again. Fuck. I have to get up. I don't want to face this again, but I have no choice. Eira stood up with all the strength she could. She washed the blood off of her eyes and shivered. But nobody was looking at her. To her surprise, nobody was after her. They were looking above her. "What is accustomed below me?" She wondered.

The people were staring at a fighter residing right above her cage. In his cave. They all chant the words "Viking! Viking! Viking! Viking! Viking!" Over and over again. Eira was confused. She wasn't a Viking, so who were they calling for? And that's when she looked above her cage and found him standing in his cave, looking down at the crowd and her cage. He had a vicious, blood thirsty look all over is face. He was ready to kill someone, but why? Eira didn't understand. Everyone kept chanting "Viking!" Over and over again till he jumped down from his cave to her cage. And everyone cheered. Eira stared up at him. Her mouth was open. Viking stared down at the crowd. He had a vicious smile. Eira had thought he was going to beat her maliciously to the brink of no return. So she backed to the center back of the cage out of fear. Is he going to hurt me? Is that why he stared down at me for so long? Was he planning to hurt me all this time? She questioned. But the truth was he adored her eternally and fell in love with her. He would never hurt such a gentle creature!

Eira looked down for a moment. She was so afraid to be hurt again by someone she trusted, but was accustomed to it. She had a small tear stroke on her cheek. She was ready for him to open the cage and beat her to death. But a glimpse got her eyes. He was looking at her and gently smiling! A soft gasp came from her lips. He smiled at her, kneeled on top of her cage, and grabbed her bloodied hands. He held them for a moment and let another blood drop fall from his hands. He quietly healed her wounds for her. Eira was surprised. "But why?" She asked Viking. "Cause... You're adorable."
He responded. Her eyes widened. It made Viking let out a tiny laugh. He gently pulled up her hands and gave a soft little kiss on her chest. Making her slightly stronger! He rose back up and stared around all he saw. He had a blood thirsty grin on his face. Even his skeleton bride wasn't safe! Why? What could he be doing? Eira didn't know. But wasn't about to let her guard down quickly. She wouldn't make that same damn mistake twice.

He raised his arms up, calling for everyone to cheer. And they did. Loud shouts around the realm echoed. Everyone chanted his name again, and he glared at them all. Eventually, he silenced the crowd. Eira kneeled before the warrior. And tears arose from her eyes again. At some point, he revealed what was going on.

"Creatures! I have come again today, to challenge the Inflamed Monster to a brutal battle. My bride has opposed the potential marriage we are meant to have, in favor of this being that has tormented us all. I am to put an end to this for her hand, or have no queen by my side at all. I won't lose this fight, for my worth is at stake."

The crowd roared over this. Eira was heartbroken once again. She loved Viking to pieces and didn't want him to be with the whorrish bride. But how could she oppose? He was royalty. She was worthless scum. But his eyes echoed for something to put an end to it, so he could be free. But was it likely? Think not. But her love for him was passionate, and if she had to, she would step aside. Even if her heart bled. Bloody tears filled her eyes and she reached her hands up again. Viking held her hands and an aura came to life between the two. He has to be put in her cage, so he holds her hands in there. And the aura grows stronger than they could understand. Viking gently glides his right hand over the top of her breast. Rivers flowed through their blood, and she fell on her knees cold and pale. But a longing grew between them. More passion and strength ensued in her heart. He softly kissed her cheek, and let go of her hands. Ready to fight.

Eira had a bleeding passion like no other. And she didn't understand why he was to fight for someone that was a waste of his time. But she couldn't talk, so she took a deep breath. Eira was calm.

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