Size (M Vers)

733 2 0

tea wanted a male version and of course I'm complying for the love of my life

I didn't change MUCH just.. which holes is getting stuffed.


size kink, overstimulation, slime, bulging, slimeflation

Being a fairy isn't that terrible, just having to hide out and everything sucked. People weren't supposed to see your kind at all. Stupid rules set in place after this 'war' of sorts that no one is sure even actually happened. You don't really care for the rules or the older fairies trying to keep everyone inside the village at all times. They're annoying, both the elders and the rules. So what else is a young rebellious fairy to do? Why, you leave as often as possible, traveling the woods freely when you can.

Seems today is your fateful day. You got stuck out in a storm while you were out, unable to fly through the rain without damaging your wings. So for now you hide out near a quiet little cave you've recently found. You haven't entered it yet, still a complete mystery, but you think it's best to try a little at least. You can't see all the way in but hopefully the light that shines with your wings will help.

Yeah.. you really underestimated how dark this cave was. You flutter your wings a little, trying to get a bit more light out, at least to light up some more of the cave. It's so quiet in here save for the soft dripping deep inside. Probably a hole seeping water from outside, maybe some from a stalactite. You honestly really don't know or care that much. Oh if only you payed attention to the way it wasn't a drip.. it was a soft suction sound instead.

The forest was home to more than just your kind, leaving it full of mysterious creatures that humans weren't allowed to find. Some were like yours, somewhat humanoid to a degree, while others were complete beasts. You've encountered a large sum of these things over the years but what you're about to encounter.. Hell, you've never even heard of it before. You continue to pursue deeper into the cave, the light from outside fading quickly, the only light from your wings.

You can hear it again- that dripping sound. It sounds a lot closer and a little.. odd. It didn't sound like the rain at all. Probably just something that isn't a bother.. You need to take a break already, wings weak from lighting and flying through the cave. You decide to land on a nearby rock you can see and just sit for a few moments. When you head over to it you can see that it isn't a real rock.. It's a creature. It's solid enough to form things but at the same time it's translucent and goopy..

A slime?.. You've seen slime, created by other animals, but not one as its own living being. You're curious of course and decide to flutter over a little closer..

What a terrible mistake. You're less than an inch before it suddenly moves to life, a slimy tentacle whipping out and grabbing at you. You yelp at the contact and start to struggle instantly. You're stuck in its grasp, wings fluttering as you try to escape. It's sticky and grasping at your clothes and skin. It doesn't hurt or anything but it's certainly an odd feeling. So cold too.. You whine as you try to fly away and out of its touch only to realize its sticky slime has practically rendered your wings immobile. You're stuck.

What you didn't expect was the way it tried to slip under your little tunic. You were completely ensnared by it now and it had free rein on your body. Slowly the goo has reached up to your crotch and was eagerly pulling away your everything to try and get to your ass. The first time it touches you it sends a jolt through your being. The slime creature, from what you can see of it, is just a giant mass of goo. No nothing except slime.. It has your clothes torn and pulled off in mere moments as it covers you in that cold goo. You whine at the feeling of being positioned so gently by the creature so that it could hold you up more with your legs spread, arms behind your back, leaving you so vulnerable. The slime doesn't leave any residue on your skin as it moves along, and soon enough, it's back to prodding at your behind. It seems to form some sort of tentacles to use on your small body, completely up to its mercy. Faint whines leave you as it strokes at your lips and soon at your tip and hole. The touches grow a little more and it starts to add some sort of sucking onto your tip. Whatever the creature plans on, it's certainly bent on pleasuring you with it.

You're stuck moaning softly now as the slime uses you. Growing harder by the second as it sucks and teases your tip so well.. Hell, some of the others back in the village couldn't do it like this if they tried. This goes on for a few more minutes, some other tentacles reaching out to start teasing your chest and nipples. Whatever its plan is it has you squirming and moaning in the meantime. But the last thing you expect is when it starts to slip some of its slime inside, pushing inside slowly to fill you well enough. You can only hope it doesn't break your damn body with how much it's trying to shove inside you.

You finally look down, a soft gasp escaping you. As the slime pushed into you it left a massive bulge already. With being this small it didn't take long to fill your walls, and finally it seems to push past even more, filling your insides. You're absolutely stuffed with the slime. You can only pant and moan at just how full you feel. It takes a few moments before it slowly pulls back a little, but it starts to downright thrust inside your body. It hurts a little but it.. it seems to be trying to be gentle with you. Like it knows how fragile you are. It moves to spread your legs a little wider, hosting you a little higher in the air and at a better angle. It stuffs your body so well, leaving you a bulging mess.

When it finally applies just enough pressure, you can finally feel yourself come undone. With a cry you cum onto the slime, trying to clamp your legs down but failing badly. It still holds you firmly as it seems to be.. somehow sucking the cum out of your body and into its blob mass. It's an odd feeling but it only adds to your pleasure. You're left whimpering and softly moaning as it continues the gentle thrusting and sucking of your cum. Once you're clean of your juices it stops the sensation but it speeds up a little. You're surprised it doesn't hurt as much as you thought it would, more of a dull thump happening inside you.

  You didn't expect it to fill your insides within mere moments. It was just thrusting away before freezing for just a second before it starts to practically spew some sort of liquid inside you. It's just as cold but it seems to be warming up a lot quicker. That bulge in your abdomen only grows as the liquid is being pumped inside your intestines. Some of the slime withdraws, not filling your body completely, but you can feel that new liquid- oh god, did the slime just cum in you?- taking the slime's place in making you just if not more full.

  It keeps going for a full minute. By the end of it your belly has grown twice if not three times in size. You look pregnant, but that can't possibly happen.. right? In your fucked out state you don't realize the creature is setting you down.. in a puddle of its own goo. It sets you on your back as to not disturb your full insides, before completely pulling out of you. You're left stuffed to the brim but in an oddly comfortable bed of slime. You look around briefly at the creature, seeing as it stayed close to you, before you couldn't take it. You close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

  When you wake up some of the fluid had dripped out of you. You're not as bloated, but you still have some of a bulge. You feel a little sore but it isn't as bad as that one night stand a couple weeks ago... You move to sit up, only to realize you're stuck in the goo you were laying in. It takes a few moments of you squirming before the creature notices you being awake. When you look around you can see it had moved you deeper into the cave.. but it was brighter? There seemed to be some sort of soft glowing plants adorning the walls of the cave, and you can finally see the slime in all of its.. presence.

  It's small, and you can see there's nothing inside the slime, which.. leaves you a little confused on how it literally pumped you full of cum. At least you think it was.. But the creature finally pulls away a little and lets you sit up by yourself, it's slime pulled back a little to free you. You do sit up and flutter your wings a little, soon stretching your limbs.

  Your new life with the slime was.. unexpected. You had decided to leave the village completely and stay with the slime in its cave, making it a home for you and it. Even if you knew it probably only saw you as a mate, it was still better than the other fairies constantly bothering you. Can't lie, but the sex was great too. The slime seemed to understand your language and could easily be taught how to do things, and as long as you let it fill you up, it would do anything you wanted. Your new life really is.. an odd experience, but it's certainly a lot better now.

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