The Uppity Wattpadder 2

1.6K 242 81

This is a social website and therefore not much different than any other group that forms in society. You will have different classes of writers here and they will band together into different group just like in the real world. Wattpad already provides classifications for us in terms of writing genres so we can find each other by what we like to read or write. But that is as far as the website can go in influencing where you fall into a group. The rest is all you.

There are many groups in Wattpad. People come together for many reasons. But, just like in any community, there will not be much intermingling among the different levels. And by levels I don't mean how good your writing is. Levels here is all about the numbers. There will be uptown and downtown here. There will be different sides of the track.

I'll follow anybody. If something is interesting in your works or your bio somehow peaked my interest I will probably follow you. I imagine that will be the case unless you stop updating or writing at all then there will be no need to follow you anymore. 

Check out your friends on your list and see who they follow. You will see that for the most part if your friends (or you) have thousands of friends they will for the most part only follow people of the same amount of followers. That is not something that Wattpad really has control over. That is something that wattpadders do themselves. 

Why do we do that? Well there are some good reasons to do that. First of all if you follow people that have thousands of followers that can be a good thing for you. If they like or post on one of your stories than that increases the chances of their followers seeing you on their feed. There is nothing really wrong with that. Unless of course that is the only reason you do it and really don't give a crap about their writing. If you are going to follow them you should at least make an attempt to look over their stuff. 

The uppity wattpadder is different though. They won't follow anybody who isn't in the same class as they are. They are ready to beg for reads and suck up thousand and thousands of votes and comments from you and will never ever even consider reading you. Look at their lists. They've got 10,000 followers and are following 50 people. And the 50 people they follow have thousands and thousand of followers too. That is by choice. They are here for the taking, not the giving. 

Sure they give shout outs once in a while, but never to those who need it. Just to their little corner of friends. They have their own little social groups where they just stroke each other's ego day in and day out. 

If I give a shout out it is because your stuff is good. I have given shout outs to people with thousands of followers and to some with less than 5. The uppity wattpadder will never give a shout out to someone with less than 5 followers because he or she will never notice their account if the numbers don't have the small letter "k" in all the statistics. That is sad. 

I have a little over 800 followers. Most of them do not have over 50 people following them. Many, it seems, are following only me. Most of the people I follow don't have over a hundred followers (unless it's a group account or Wattpad ambassador account). I like the accounts with less than a thousand followers. They tend to be more prolific than those with more. They write every day and have dozens of works instead of just one ongoing (never ending it seems) book that really needs to end already. 

Without a doubt I can tell you that I have found the best writers and the best stories on accounts with less than 100 people following them. I don't know maybe they try harder. 

Listen wattpadder, be a giver. And please don't say you don't have the time. NOBODY HAS THE TIME. But if thousands of people have the time to tell you how great and wonderful you are then give a little back. If you have the time to run around in your little Wattpad social groups telling each other how great you are then you have time for the undiscovered. Chances are they are better writers than you. 

I know some of you fitting the above numerical description will be offended.  That's good. Get your head out of your butt. There's no crying on Wattpad.

Be good to one another Wattpadders. 

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